-chapter 15-

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-chapter 15-

Sam's P.O.V.

The last thing I remember was being at the place and listening to the boys play my favorite song then hearing a god awful cracking sound. And I suddenly felt pain, all over, and everything went black..

I feel like I'm awake but I can't control my body, I don't know where I am, and what I do remember keeps playing over again my head. I need to get out of this place! I'm fighting hard to wake up. I can hear voices speaking softly, teasing me of what I want but can't do. The accident plays again in my head like a bad movie scene and I try to scream. This time some noise comes out. I open my eyes for the first time, I'm in a hospital I think. I look down, my body doesn't look like it should belong to me. It's beaten and scared with burns and bruises, and is that stitches? I slowly survey the situation and try to piece together what the heck happened. I lift my arm to touch a burn on my thigh, but realize I'm in so much pain it hurts to move. My head hurts too, and I look at my arms and find that they are burned and my left hand is wrapped up tightly. I look around the room and don't see anyone, just a hospital room that to me feels like a jail cell. My only company is the machines I'm hooked up to. As I lay there I try so hard to make sense of this all, then I remember, Cameron was with me when this happened! I jumped up out of the bed and ripped all the machines connected to me off. Pain waved through my body and I almost collapsed to the floor, but I needed to find Cameron! I threw the door open and looked to see if anyone was coming. I creeped out slowly cause I wasn't prepared to run yet. I made my way to the desk and tried to find my words "where's.... Cameron..?" I asked the lady, my words didn't sound like they came out of my mouth. The lady looked confused for a moment then yelled something I didn't understand. Then someone picked me up and put me back on a hospital bed and took me back to my room. I screamed and protested saying I wanted Cameron to come and see me. The people shook their heads and said "he can't come see you." "then I'll leave and get him!" I screamed at them. "honey," one of the nurses said "I don't think you want to see him right now." "but I do! He's fine, I need to see him!" I said confused, my head was hurting from all this screaming but I persisted. The nurse agreed finally to let me see him and she helped me walk to the room across from me. "why is he in here?" I asked. The nurse was silent and lead me to a bed. I looked at the person laying there but I refused to believe it was my Cameron. The nurses are just playing a cruel joke on me. The boy that's laying there is beaten and burned, with cuts and stitches all over his body. He's laying there lifeless connected to all kinds of machines, as I was. "what the hell happened?!" I scream. The nurse grabs me and says she'll explain later but the confusion and headache is too much to bear. I fall to the ground crying hysterically. I feel as though I've lost my mind and this is all just a really bad dream. That's when I notices Cameron's leg, or lack there of. I manage to get a few words "his leg...?" the nurse shakes her head slightly, "it was burned so badly and he had such a nasty cut we had to amputate from his knee down. He also lost a lot of blood, and the smoke got in his lungs. He's in a coma right now." I feel myself shaking uncontrollably and can barely manage to get to my feet. This can't be happening. I make myself walk back to my room and I lay down and cry myself to sleep.

Cameron's P.O.V.

I could hear someone crying. It all just added to the horrors playing in my head. Not being able to safe Sam, watching the building falling to pieces. I couldn't wake up, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't scream for help. Nothing. I wanted out of wherever I was! And right now I feel as if nothing can save me.

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