Chapter 28: Max's Feelings

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~Max's POV~

I immediately stormed out of the kitchen as soon as I saw Ross and (Y/n) kissing. I don't know exactly why but I just knew it made me mad.

I stomped past everyone in the office and went down the stairs, out of the building to my car. I was going to get in my car and just drive home but someone stopped me, Adam.

He came out of the building with a confused expression on his face. He was with Jess who was also confused but she looked .ore worried. "Max, what the hell is wrong?"

"It's your damn sister! Why don't you go ask her! Oh wait, she's busy KISSING ROSS!" I yelled and ran my fingers through my hair and began pacing.

"She's what?!" Adam asked.

"(Y/n) is pressed up against the wall by Ross and they were kissing!" I yelled with more anger but not as loud.

Adam turned around to go back into the offices but Jess grabbed him by the back of his collar and pulled him back next to her. "Let's be calm adults here. Max, why are you mad about (Y/n) and Ross kissing?"

I paused. "I don't know! It's making me more angry that I don't know! I feel like she's playing with my feelings! One minute she's crying about something and making me worried, the next she's about to beat someone up and then she's kissing another dude, drunk or not!" I said. I was taken back about that. Did that really just come out of my mouth?

"I get what you're saying completely, Max. You don't hate her do you?" Jess asked. It felt really good to talk to her about this stuff. She's good with it.

I decided that I would tell Jess how I actually feel about (Y/n). I took a deep breath. "No, I don't hate her. I mean, I do but I don't want to. I honestly think she's amazing. I love the way she dresses, I love how badass she is, I love how she will stand up for someone she cares about, I love the way she sings, I love the jokes she makes, I love how she plays different instruments, I just love her. I know this sounds cheesy as all hell but it's true. Although I love her, she makes me hate her too. I hate how she carelessly gets drunk then does stupid things, I hate how she hates me no reason, and most of all... I hate how she makes me jealous. When I see her flirting or being flirted to or kissing or even being good friends with a guy, I get so jealous. I want to punch the guy and then I want to go home and cry because I know she'll never listen to me and I will never have her." I took exhaled and looked at my feet.

"Oh Max, one, (Y/n) doesn't actually like Ross. I heard her and Ross talking about how they're gonna try to figure out of you and Red like her by making you two jealous. Ross and (Y/n) have been friends since 6th grade, that's almost a decade! I would find it very hard to love my bff if I've known him for 10 years. You do have a chance, Max! You just have to try!" Jess said gave me a big hug.

Did I really have a chance?

(580 words)

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