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I was just sitting down on the swing just admiring my environment, when I heard a meow, OMG it's a cat!!! I love cats! If you wan to give me a present, easy. A kitten.

"Hello there" I talked to the ginger cat coming toward me, it jumped and land on my lap I stork her soft fur for a few moment and then I start speaking to it like it was a real person.

"You know sometimes, all I want is someone to listen to me, and understand me, and to not judge me, that will make me feel a little bit better, and you know what will make me feel happy? If the guys at school quite bullying me, and if Alex would stop touching me, and if the girls stop being mean, and if I had a friend, OMG that would be the perfect life!" I said clapping my hands happily, but then I remembered.
"But after all, that would still be a dream, and dreams aren't true so.... Yeah." I said so calmly.

"OK now big boy, it's getting late and cold and it's dinner time, now get IP from my lap and go find some sexy kitten out there" I said pulling the fur ball away, and start walking back k home.

Two days later:

Something is wrong. Alex didn't talk or touched me for two days, neither the girls, and I'm both worried and happy, what if they're doing it on purpose, maybe it's the calm before the storm, everyone was acting like I don't exist not like it's something new, but they usually insult me or bully me or something, but now they're just acting like I'm invisible or like they're tired of torturing me. Wish that was true, it's my biggest dream.

I was putting my things in my locker when I felt a presence of someone behind me, of course, he wouldn't just stop torturing me just like that, I thought.

When I turned around I met a pair of hazel eyes, OK this is weird, no one talk to me especially handsome guys so either I'm dead and this is heaven or I'm sleeping and it's all a dream.

"Hey" he spoke giving me a beautiful smile. OK now he's so beautiful.

"Umm... H-hi" I stutter, great.

"Uh... Our English teacher asked us to do this project remember?" I nodded nervously.

"And she asked us to choose our partners, so... I was wondering if you Haven't pick up a partner yet, maybe we could be partners?" He asked biting on his lower lip waiting for my response.

"Umm... No... I haven't pick up a partner"

"Great! I mean... OK we will start it any time you want"

"If you aren't busy, we can do it after school" wow from were did this came!

"Yeah that would be great, so your house or mine?" He asks, I don't wanna go with a stranger to his house, no thanks.

"Mine if you don't mind" I said nervously.

"OK that's great, I'm zayn by the way" he grin.


Later that day:

"Camila? Is that you?" Mom said from the kitchen as I and zayn walked to my house.
"Cami-.... Oh hey! Welcome honey aren't you Patricia's son?" My mom asked zayn grinning walking toward us.
"Hello Mrs. Jasper, yes I am" he smiled back to her, oh so they know each other, great.

"I see you met Camila"

"Eh yeah, we have this English project" zayn said mom nodded smiling widely that I think her cheeks are going to fall soon, I feel invisible like always.

"Mom we're going to my room, talk to you later, shall we go" I glance at zayn as he nodded and walked past me to my room, I turned to mom, she look like she's on tears.

"OK so, what's this project talking about" I asked him as I sat next to him on another desk chair, keeping my distance.

"Umm.... Yeah we gotta imagine an ending to a story, so it talks about a girl who was always sad and never happy with her life, and she wasn't very social, so she probably doesn't have friends unfortunately, and she always felt lonely but little did she know that there was this person who was interested in her, and always tried to help here even if maybe she never talked to him, hell maybe she never knew that he existed, but he did and he was watching out for her and trying to protect her and even though they never talked to each other, but he knew her better than anyone, and he is trying so hard to change the frown on her face to a wide truthful smile"

you know that feeling when someone is talking you feel like he's talking about you, that's what I feel right now. I was silent and speechless so I decided to play dump, wait, tall guy, hazel eyes, the same voice, he's the guy that saved me from Alex. Oh god.

"So what do you think the end should be like?" He said after a long silence.

"I-i  think the guy will feel bored and will shake it off, after all, it's not his responsibility right? And then the girl would never know him, and she'll suicide from depression and it'll be the end, I'm sure her parents wouldn't want a depressed girl after all right? They would be happy to get rid of her" I swear to god I saw a tear in his eyes.

"No" his voice broke "no, she was sad all her life she deserve a few moments of  happiness, and that will help her, she like it or not! if she died he won't forgive himself! Cuz he could've helped her but he didn't, he'll feel guilty for the rest of his life!!!" Now I lost it, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably.


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