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I stood there amazed by the view, it was a little wooden house in the middle of the wood, it was kind of cute charming, I stood up lost of words, I noticed the nervous look on zayn's face.

"Zayn this is amazing, I can't find words to describe what I'm seeing to be honest, is it yours?" I turned to look at him, I noticed a sad look on his face for a second.

"It was my father's, but yes now it is, I come here sometimes to clear my head or I bring my sisters and mum to have a family dinner" then I figured out that I know nothing about him or his family, it was always about me, GOD! I feel so selfish!

"Cami?" Zayn snapped me out of my thoughts
"Sorry what?"
"I said shall we go in? You zoned out" he chuckled and took my hand in his.
"Sorry, yes let's go"

The house was cute and warm from the inside, we put our things in the living room and I went to see the rest of the house like zayn said while he prepare the dinning table downstairs there was four rooms and two bathrooms, I decided to go in one of the rooms.

It was a nice warm room with white walls and there was a desk and bed for one and a tall mirror, it was a cute room. Simple but cute.

The second room was full of frames on the walls, I took a closer look to see the pictures.

There was a pictures of three girls and what suppose to be a younger zayn and a beautiful woman, I think that's his mother and his sisters.

Then there was too many pictures of the same girls, and another one of zayn and a man, they look so alike, I thought to myself, that must be his dad, they look so happy holding a giant fish in there hands.

"I miss him" I jumped when I heard zayn's voice, I wasn't expecting it, he misses his father...

"We used to go fishing in the lack nearby and I always sucked at it while he always did it write" he spoke look at the pictures.

"Those are my sisters, this is doniya the eldest" he pointed to the picture.

"This is waliyha and safaa  the youngest, and this is my mother Trichia, you'll meet them someday, I'm sure they'll love you just like I did" he turned to me and tagged a hair behind my ear I blushed.

"C'mon now I came to tell you the dinner is ready, I made some pasta" yay! I love pasta! How the hell did he...

"Your mum" he cut me off.

"Oh god! I thought she was just being protective!" I pretend to be upset.

"Oh c'mon Darling she just said a few things" he hugged me and walked me out of the room.

"THE LAST ONE TO THE KITCHEN IS A CHICKEN" zayn suddenly yelled and started running toward the stairs.

"YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE CHEATING! I DIDN'T KNOW! COME BACK HERE!" I ran after him but looking at how hard I was laughing made it hard to run without being clumsy, my eyes were full of tears from how I was laughing, so I decided to do something, I throw myself on the floor.

"OUCH!!!! ZAYN!" I faked the pain so he would slow down.

"Oh my god! Camila are you OK love! I'm so sorry I shouldn't have ran that fast, c'mon let me help you, can you stand up?" I was battling the laugh by biting my cheeks.

"Yes please help me get up" I pleaded.
As soon as I got up I ran as fast as I can to the kitchen without warning, zayn stood there his mouth hang open.

"Yaaaay I won!! I won! Who's the loser now huh?" I jumped around happily and doing my happy dance.

"What... Why... Why did you do that?" He asked his face showing that he was damn serious.

"You know, it wasn't funny, that wasn't funny AT ALL!" He raised his voice which scared the hell out of me.

"I... Didn't... It was just a joke... I didn't mean to... I'm sorry" I stuttered now scared I felt my eyes watering, this scene make me remember horrible things.

"No no no no no! Cami I was just kidding I wasn't serious when I raised my voice I was pretending to be mad, I was just playing along with you!" He came to me crushing me into a hug.

"It's OK i-i just thought...." I start babbling.

"I'll never hurt you Cami, I'll never touch you in wrong way as long as I'm alive no one will touch you in a wrong way, you hear me?" He mumbled into my hair.

"OK" I said smiling, believing every word because I trust him.

"Now let's eat I don't like cold pasta" I tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I like it hot.... Just like you" zayn replied, I smacked his chest playfully.

After we ate dinner we decided to watch a movie and we ended up watching a scary movie, but I watched just half of it and the other half I was hiding my face in zayn's chest, and he would mock me or laugh at me.

"This was the worst movie ever" I said as the movie ended.

"How do you know, you were hiding your face all the time!" He giggled.

"That was better" I mumbled he looked at me smirking, he was damn handsome, and his lip were soft and kissable.

"You're starring" he interrupted my wild thoughts, I'm sure my face now is like a tomato I bit my lower lip and lowered my head from embarrassment.

"I don't mind though" he added and I felt the heat in my cheeks.

He reached my waist an pulled me on his lap so I was now straddling him and our faces inches away his eyes searched mine for any doubt or hesitation when he found none he crashed his lips into mine.

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