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"CAMI! Wake up honey!!" A groan left my lips as I Nuzzled my body deeper in my bed.

"Cami you're gonna be late! Wake up"
I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the light coming from the curtains.

I got up from bed to the bathroom and looked at the mirror in front of me, my eyes were puffy and my throat was sore from yesterday events, I put my hair in a high ponytail and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I went downstairs to find that mom left early and left me some waffles and some juice.

After a while, I heard the doorbell.
I knew that it was zayn.

"Hey za-" nope it wasn't zayn.

"Umm... Hi I.... I'm Luke, zayn's best friend, uhh he's waiting you in the car we're going together" said the guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, a wave of a weird feeling hit, his face, his voice, his name all sounds familiar? I pushed that away and smiled.

"H-hey I'm Camila, yeah I'm coming" I was excepting it to be zayn, I grabbed my bag and headed to the car.

"Hey babe good morning" zayn said hugging me tightly.

"You already know Luke, he's my best mate, I can trust him in literally everything" he gave Luke a pat on the shoulder and a huge smile.

"Thanks mate that means a lot" they kept staring at each other and I have a huge smile in my face.

"Okay it's getting awkward" the both of them said, I throw my head backward from laughter.

As soon as the bell rang, I carried my bag and headed towards the door, where zayn and Luke were waiting for me.

"Dude, have you seen Ashton today?" Luke asked zayn as we walked into the cafeteria.

"We'll find the lads at the table" zayn replied, wait.... The lads? There's other people.

We arrived to our table where three guys were sitting, they were kinda look familiar to me but I still can't figure it out yet.

"Hey lads" zayn and Luke said as they took their places whilst I took mine between zayn and a guy with black hair.

"Hey zayn" "sup mate" some of them replied.

"Guys this is Camila my girlfriend, Cami this is Calum, Michael, Ashton they're the rest of my best mates."

"Hey" I waived to them, and sure that my face is a tomato, and I feel nervous, but I still don't know why though.

"Hey we're in the same history class!!" Michael said giving me a friendly grin, then it hit me! Calum and I are in the same science class! And Michael in the history one! I don't know about Ashton, and the familiar feeling with Luke is still there.

"Oh yeah I remember you all now! Except for Ashton and Luke, but I know you guys from history and science classes!" Zayn looked between the three of us confused.

"So... You know each others? I'm still confused" I nodded "we don't completely know each others... But still!" Calum said giggling.

"Anyways.... So are you guys up for tomorrow?" Luke asked.

"Of course" and "sure" was their replies, I gave them a questioning face.

"We're having a football game tomorrow, you can come and watch us play if you want, right zayn?" Ashton said, zayn nodded "of course if you want" he turned to look at me a huge smile decorated his face.

"I would love to, thanks guys" I smiled.

I sat in my desk doing my homework as I finished I grabbed my notebook and start writing some things I feel, it's like a journal but if you read it, it would sound like a poem or songs, but I don't like to call it songs 'cause it's shitty and cheesy, I chuckled at my stupid thoughts.

When I finished writing, I changed my clothes to more comfy ones, and crawled on my bed just thinking to sleep, I won't lie, I still have some dark thoughts about what happened to me the past months, speaking of that, I still have a familiar feeling about Luke though, I'll just try to ignore it.

I adjusted myself in a more comfortable position and slowly drifted to sleep.

After school I met zayn at the bus stop he was standing with another guy.

"Hey zayn can we go home please" I asked him but he was cut off by his friend.

"Hey you're the whore that doesn't know who's the father! Let me help you, so who was the more rough?"
No please. My eyes were watering and became red as an apple.

"What the hell!! Man where did you hear that bullshit!" Zayn said.

"It's OK you know what? I'm done that's true! I fucked Alex and zayn and some random guy I met in the ice cream shop, and I even fucked your father!!!" I yell at that guy.

"You're right my father is a manhore so-"

"ENOUGH!! Shut the fuck up Luke!" Zayn yelled.

I got up quickly from my bed a gasp escaped my lips, sweat dripping from my neck to my chest, and my hair stuck to my forehead, breathing heavily, I tried to calm myself but failed miserably, that wasn't just a bad dream, it was that nightmare I saw when I was unconscious.

Zayn was there and Luke.... Luke!!!! I remember now! That's why he's familiar! He was in the dream! Even though it feels weird because I've never met him before yesterday.

It must be because I've seen him with zayn before or... Oh for god sakes! It's so confusing! I'm making no sense!

You know what? I'm just going back to sleep after I wash my face and pretend that I've never seen this.

Hey guys I'm really sorry for the wait but I was thinking of a way to write this chapter, and it is some pure shit I know I suck.

BUT!!!The 5sos are here!!!! My babies *sniffle Wapping a fake tear*

Anyways, thank you for reading it means so much, and can you please vote, pwease??? *bat eyelashes* 🐢

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