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So today is the day. OK that sounded like I'm getting married.

I'm just so excited, I mean this is my first date ever. How would it be? I'm sure I'll be the best date ever! What if something bad happened? What if he cancelled the date?

OK shut up and relaxed, I thought to myself, everything will be just fine. This is a new start in my life, and I'll change for me, for the person that I love, zayn. 'Cause apparently he gave me a goal to live. I'm living to love him and to be better for him. He brings the best in me.

My mom was as happy as I was, she did my makeup, and helped me pick up an outfit.

I took a glance at the mirror. Look at you, taking care of yourself like any other girl. I thought to myself.

I heard my phone ringtone signaling that it's nearly 5pm. And after a little bit a got a call.

"Hello?" I picked up.

"Ready princess?" The person said. Zayn.

"Yeah, you're here?" I asked, stupid.

"Yeah I'm standing right in front your door"

Ding dong.

"OK I'm coming" I smiled and took a last glance at the mirror and fixed my hair a bit.


Ding dong.

"Coming!" I heard Mrs. Jasper call from inside.

"Good afternoon Mrs- I mean Nicol" I smiled at her.

"Oh hello my dear! Come in! Camila is ready" she gave me a warming smile and stood aside so I can come in.

"So how have you been Darling? Do you want anything to drink or something? Tea? Water?-"

"It's okay Mrs- eh Nicole" It was kind of weird calling her Nicol, I'm not use to it.

"You can call me Mrs. Jasper if that's better" she sat beside me on the couch (not too close, no she's not that kind of moms) I slightly nodded.

"Okay now to the serious talk" OK that made me super nervous.
"I know Cami has a terrible and hard period lately, and I know you know it too, she was broken and I believe that's kind if my fault"
she lowered her head so I won't notice her watery eyes, but I did.
"I am a terrible mother I know, but I'll make it up for her, but the more important thing now is, my daughter is in love with you, and she trust you, I know this by the way she look at you, and by the way she talk about you all the time" she took my hand and her eyes searched mine.

"You my Darling, you bring the best in her, she's laughing, smiling, eating, she's taking care of herself like every girl, and I swear, I cross my heart, if you hurt her I'll hunt you in your nightmares" she smiled at the end.

I don't know if it suppose to be a joke but that made me wanna piss myself to be honest.

Okay, it's time to man up.

"Ma'am, I probably love her more then she does, if it was humanly possible, If I could take away her pain, believe me I would happily, as long as she'll love me I'll give her anything, I'll love her and protect her 'til the day I die" I said meaning every single word even if I was now babbling because honestly words can't describe how much I love her.

"I believe you Darling" she smiled at me and passed her hand through my hair, I certainly don't want it messy now, and I hate it when my mum does it all time.

"No, no, no, no, no! Mrs. Jasper not today I need to be handsome on our date, and messy hair does attract girls" I said as she burst into a fit of laughter.

"Like seriously, you women had to keep your hands to yourselves, I mean I know my hair is cool and beautiful but Jesus!" I joked to lighten the mood.


I ran downstairs after about ten minutes, when I reached the living room to see my mum and zayn laughing, I sighed happily, obviously because I was happy at this point.

"Finally! What were you doing? Zayn was waiting for ages!" Mum stood up, I looked at zayn worriedly.

"She's just kidding it was just a ten minutes, so shall we go?" He asked standing up as well.

"Yeah of course, see you later mum!"
"Okay honey take care, and have fun, but not too much!" She said standing at the doorframe.
"Mum!" She laughed and zayn chuckled as he opened the car door for me I thanked him and said goodbye to my mum and got in.

"So are you telling me were are we going?" I asked.

"Nope and don't bother yourself, I'm not telling" he smirk.

"OK, so what were you talking with mum, oh lord please tell me she hasn't said anything embarrassing!" He chuckled.

"No actually, we just... Umm... She was just being the protective mother"

"Oh" is all I could say, that's my dad's job, but he's rarely around so I'm use to it, but I don't blame him, and as if zayn read my mind...

"If you don't mind... Eh... I don't know how to ask this..." He stutter.

"My father?" He nodded "well, blame his job, he's always on work trips and it's always far away, he's rarely there, of course I don't blame him, and of course I wish he was here... God! That sounded as of he's dead" I sighed, zayn put his hand on my knees giving me a reassuring squeeze.

"It's OK love, at least you understand the situation he's in, and I'm sure he misses you as much as you do, but it's just a matter of time and it'll pass, you'll make it through this like you did for everything" he smiled glancing at me before turning his head to the road, I smiled at his words.

"Not alone" he added after a few seconds of silence, that flatter my heart, and I felt butterflies flew in my stomach.

"OK now let's forget about this all, remember it's a date" he said giving me a cocky smile.

"We're here!"
I got out of the car after zayn helped me, we're in a middle of a Forest.

"You're not planning on killing me are you?" I joked he chuckled before answering.

"Maybe, or maybe not, I'll think about it later but now close your eyes I don't want you to see the dead bodies I put here" he saw the worried look on my face and he giggled.

"I'm just kidding babe, I'm not a psycho, but you'll ruin my surprise, we don't want this now, do we? Don't worry I'll catch you before you fall" he chuckled.

After about five minutes of walking I got bored.

"Are we there yet?" I asked being the annoying person I am.

"Actually yes open your eyes"

I opened my eyes slowly, and gasped at the sight.

"Zayn... This... It's.." I was lost of words.


CLIFFHANGER!! So anyway, thank you guys for reading this it means a lot (no its not over yet) even if its small but the fact that someone actually voted, make me feel like I exist! I'm happy yaaaayyyyy.

(Even if there is just a few readers but I don't care!!!!) 🙌🙌🙌

And I'll say it again, pleaaaaaase ignore my English it's awful I know, but I don't wanna stop this story.

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