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"She's going to be OK Ms. Jasper, when was the last time she ate?" I heard a voice.

"She didn't have breakfast and she didn't ate dinner, she always say that she's not hungry" another voice. Wait. Am I dead?

"That's the reason then, nothing to worry about, she'll wake up soon just keep an eye on her" the first voice said. What are they talking about?

God! I really wanna wake up.

"Doctor she's waking up!" I opened my eyes lightly trying to adjust to the light.

This is definitely not my room, wait she said doctor? I'm in the hospital.

"God! Camila you got us worried! Sweety how do you feel?" My worried mom came to my side.
"C-can I have s-some water please?" I barely whispered, she rushed to the table beside her and handed me a cup.

"What happened?" I ask she held my hand.

"You were too weak this morning so you fainted in the girls bathrooms and when zayn noticed you took soon long, he checked on you and he found you and called us after he took you to the hospital, and here you are. Camila Marie Jasper, I'm so sick of you not eating properly!"

Wait, so I never tried to suicide, and no one said rumors about me? This is weird but it's the best day in my whole freaking life!.... Wait... ZAYN!

"Where is zayn mum?"

"He's out in the waiting room, he wasn't allowed to come in since he wasn't from family and stuff.. But I'll call him now, me and your father gotta sign some papers we'll be back, OK?" She kissed my forehead and walked out.

After a few seconds the door opened revealing a worried zayn, he Rush toward my side.

"Oh my god! Camila I was worried sick! Thank god! I thought you tried something stupid!" He held my hand and I gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"What happened? I don't remember anything except for me going to the bathrooms."

"Well you took so long and I was getting worried so I asked a girl to come in the bathroom and check on you since I couldn't come in and after a few minutes she came out freaking out saying that you were passed out, so one of my friends Luke, gave me a ride to the hospital since I left my car at home, and I thought you were going to die, and that you did something stupid" he explained still holding my hand.

"I... I... Thank you zayn" I smiled at him.
"For what? You didn't expect me to just leave you there did you?"
"No, I know you would take care of me" I smiled again widely.
"Always and forever" he returned the smile and pulled me in a bear hug, and pulled away when someone cleared their throat.

"Camila sweety we're going back home if you feel better" my dad smiled at me.

"Yeah actually, I'm feeling much better dad.

"OK so I'm going to call your mum"

"OK" and he left the room.

"Cami, I.... You... Would you like to go on a date with me?" Zayn stutter.
"Of course, I would love to" his smile got wider.


"So... You and zayn huh?" My mom asked smirking teasingly.

"Muuuuuuum! Can we not talk about it" I sat on the couch next to her, she took off her glasses and put the magazine she was holding on the coffee table and turned to me. OK now she's being serious.

"No Cami, I wanna talk to you like every mum does with her daughter, now tell me, do you like him?" I sigh.

"Yeah, I mean.... He's nice and caring and sweet and... Cute" I whispered the last word embarrassed.

"I like him too Honey, he's a very sweet guy and he doesn't look like those drunk horny teenagers" she chuckled.

"OK mum it's getting awkward, that's why I don't talk about boys with you" I laughed, I laughed.

"I'm not kidding Camila, since you two started hanging out, you started getting out from that room of yours, you started smiling which was rare. And you don't do what you used to do anymore..."

She doesn't mean the.... The self harm... Does she?

"What are you talking about?" I played dump.

"Don't play dump with me Camila! I know what you were doing, but I never could stopped you, I never knew how to talk with you!" A tear rolled down her cheek and she sniffed.

"Mum.... I... Don't cry please" is all I could say.

"No! I was an awful mother! If I was close to you, you would open up at least just a bit! You wouldn't feel lonely" I hugged her tightly.

"No mum, I understand, you were always busy with work, it's alright"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't be with my only daughter, I promise I'll put you first love" she sniffed.

"It's okay mum, now cheer up I'm going on a date tomorrow and I need some help" I gave her a warm smile.

"Please tell me it's zayn" I nodded.
"I knew it! You need a LOT of help honey, we are going to do some SHOPPING!" She clapped her hands like a child on a Christmas eve.

"OK, OK mum, let's go"



I was preparing myself for bed when I heard my phone buzzing.

See you tomorrow at 5pm, can't wait!
Good night sweet cheeks xx. Z

I smiled at the cute text.

Yeah I'm excited too, good night :) xoxo

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