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Two weeks later:

So no more school, no more bullies now I have the time to spend it more with my babies.
Zayn and mum.

And I've been hanging out more with the boys lately, I discovered that they all can sing and Michael, Luke, calum play guitar and Ashton is a dummer.

I'm still writing, but I never told someone about it, that would be kinda embarrassing or awkward.

Anyways... So tomorrow I'm meeting zayn's family and I'm a bit nervous... Okay I'm stressing out! I'm scares they won't like me or think that zayn is too good for me which is true, but I'll try my best to empress them.

I went shopping alot lately, with my mum of course since all my friends are boys (I'm not complaining) I still wish I had a "girl friend" if you know what I mean.

"Sweetie? Camila I'm talking to you!"

"Huh? Sorry I zoned out" it seems that I'm thinking so hard that I can't listen to mum's complaining.

"Is it that family day tomorrow? Oh honey don't worry, zayn's family are so sweet!" She gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze and smiled.

"I know but... What if they don't like me? What if they thought I'm a freak? What if-" she whined cutting me off.

"Can you please stop talking bullshit! If zayn loved you then they WILL love you too no doubt now get your lazy ass to your room I'll be there in two to help you pick an outfit for tomorrow" I starred at her wide eyes for her words.

"Okay sorry for the words now go!" I laughed rushing upstairs.

I lied on my bed exhausted mainly from laughing so hard at mines and mum's silly jokes, I grabbed my phone and call zayn since I didn't do it all the damn day.

"Good evening beautiful" His voice filled my ears as he spoke.

"Hey zayn how it's going"

"Boring without you, I was grounded for swearing so I did a grocery shopping with mum"

"That doesn't make sense! You swore?" I laughed at how stupid it sounded.

"Yeah, I know, I dropped my phone and the screen cracked so I just said * are you fucking kidding me* and mum heard me and here I am" he explained.

"Dude that was lame" I laughed again.

"I won't swear anymore, when we were there she was like *should I buy grapes or apples? You know what? I should just buy them both*" I laughed at him trying to mimic his mother, then my laughter died after it hit me.

"Cami? Are you okay?" He asked his tone turned serious.

"Y-yes? I mean yeah why are you asking?" My voice came out in a high pitch tone betraying me.

"Camila, what wrong? And you better
Tell the truth" I sigh and gave up.

"It's not a big deal really I mean... I'm just a bit nervous you know about tomorrow" there was a silence.

"Cami, everything's gonna be okay, I'm sure, they'll love you just like I did" he assured.

"Alright if you say so" a smile decorated my face.

"Now love you need to rest"

"Yeah sweet dreams, love you"

"Good night love, and dream of me" I chuckled.

"Yeah I will bye"

"Bye" and then I hang up.

Tomorrow morning:

I woke up immediately to the ringtone of my phone, It was 7:43am who in the world would call me now? I checked the ID caller to find out it's zayn.

Of course.

"Good morning sunshine, how are you love?" He asked in his morning sexy voice, my heart flatter at the word love even though I'm use to it.

"Good morning zayn, not to sound rude but it's eight in the freaking morning you said you'll pick me up at non?" I replied.

"I know I'm sorry, but you were nervous yesterday and I had to check on you".

"it's okay, so how it's going?"

"Nice, we're doing a barbeque at the pool, and the girls are excited to meet you"

"Yeah... Sounds fun!" I smiled to myself as I got up from the bed.

"Okay now bye, I'll see you later love you"

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