{ Chapter 6 }

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[lesson in ch. 5 continued]


"No stirrup trotting! Your sitting trot is in hell right now. It's terrible! Ok better. Better. Great that was amazing Kayla!" Mrs. Kim had been yelling at all of us for an hour. We had covered everything in this dressage lesson from flying lead changes to piaffe. I was bone tired and ready for some food and water.

"Good Sydney! That looks alot better!" Mrs. Kim now had her attention focused on Sydney.

"Okay, that's it for the day. Cool your horses out then do whatever. Remember no jumping unless it's under 60 centimeters! Good night." Our trainer said as she walked out of the arena.

"Great job everyone!" Tyler said.

There were a couple you to's and thank you's but mostly moans of aching legs. I went along with the you to's as Sydney went with the moans of sore legs.

"Why does she have to be such an amazing trainer but such a bitch sometimes?!" Sydney exclaimed as we both dismounted in the middle of the arenas.

"Hey, come on Syd! You'll thank her when we get first in Team at Rebecca farm." I replied with a laugh, hoping she didn't catch the fact that I said she wouldn't get first in individual.

"Bitch please. We'll get first as a team and I'll get first in individuals." She pointed her nose up and strutted away, doing as perfect impression of Sheila.

"Oh. My. Lord." I said breathlessly, then continued to laugh.

We laughed and made jokes about Sheila having sex with the judges [all of them. Male and female] so that they would give her a good score. On we got our horses unbridled and back in cross ties, we continued to laugh.

"Was up my ladies?" Asked a deep voice from behind us.

Of course. At the best [and most inconvenient] time, Dylan had to show up. I snorted, thinking of something to say.

"Go suck a dick Dylan." I restored.

"Fuck you!" He yelled, storming towards the front entrance of the barn.

"Hey Dylan!" I said sweetly. He turned around, expectantly wait for me to tell him I wanted to fuck him [and his small dick.That's what I've heard at least.]

"I know you want to!" I said laughing.

He stormed off, then got into his red mustang [ironic huh] and sped off, earning the middle finger from Carlos who was cleaning the drive of any poop. Sydney and I laughed as we watched Dylan slow down and Carlos storm after him, swearing profusely in Spanish.

As we finished untacking our horses, I found a note stuck under my portable saddle rack. An identical one was stuck under Sydney's trailer's tire.

"Got one too?"Sydney asked.

I nodded and read mine aloud.

Work all of these ponies before you leave. Carlos has checks for both of you once your done.

Sydney: Scarlet, Sprite, Lacy, Cookie, Hershey, Gally

Kayla: Jane, Butterscotch, Mya, Topica, Prince, Polly

Thanks and check with Carlos afterwards,

Kim M.

"Wanna work Scarlet and Polly together then Have Mya and Sprite pony Topica and Gally?" Sydney asked.

"Sure. Let's get going." I replied.

When we walked into the barn, Carlos had halters in all of the ponies we were going to ride.

"Who first?" He asked.

"Scarlet and Polly." Sydney and I replied in union.

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