{ Chapter 13 }

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For days I grieved. Shelia may not have been a friend, but I killed her. Solely me. Murder is now my name. I am shamed by all. Nothing can help what I've done and what it has done to me.

My parents have tried to get me to speak but can not succeed ever. I will never speak again. It is a knife in the heart and a reminder that I killed a human.

No speaking. No kissing. No living.


Grief took over my life. I did not ride for months and sold Wild Fire. She did deserve a better life than I was giving her.


Summer turned to fall and fall turned to winter. No matter what season it was I holed my self up in my room and saw the sun only when I went to church on Sunday.

I finished high school on line with a 3.5 ending GPA and no plan to go to college. Human interaction became harder and harder after being holed up for 6 days a week.

Nothing could persuade me out of my room. Nothing. Everything reminded me of Shelia and the horrible deed I had done. Nothing could bring me back.

Shadows started forming under my eyes and sleep became scarce. Every time I drifted off, a terrible dream came with it.

Why and I living still? I questioned my self.

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