The Plan [15]

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*This chapter is written in a format of a text conversation between Simon (S) and Ethan (E) *

S: Revenge? What kind of revenge?

E: The 'sweet sweet' kind😂

S: Nah, seriously Behz, what did you mean? Im kind of interested..

E: To make us feel less guilty, lets not call it revenge, lets call it ..investigating? We have to do this in order to understand what Josh wants x

S: True! Okay, seems legit. So, what's the plan?

E: Me&You😏

S: Pardon?

E: Me and you. We date. Well, fake date. If Josh disreguards our relationship, we will know that he doesn't care...and if he shows jealousy, we know he does care. Therefore, we find out if he had just genuinly fell out with you or he's just hiding his emotions.

S: Okay.

E: So? You want to? It's better to find out how he feels sooner rather than later Si x

S: Yeah, i guess you're right, thanks Ethan. X

E: Okay ;)

S: Let'sss doooo thissssss😂x

E: How are we gonna come out to him? And should we tell the other boys?

S: No, we'll keep it from the boys. They're on holiday for the fortnight anyway, it should all be done by then shouldn't it? And i'll talk to him later x

E: Yeah hopefully! Okay! Well then, as you said,  let's do this! ...Bye babe😏👋xx

S: Bye boo😏👋xx

Hey guys, just a short, crappy filler chapter so i can get into the story properly. Ayy, hopefully some Minizerk action soon😲 Please vote and comment, oh and feel free to message me! It means the world🙉 StayUnique! - Maisie⚽❤

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