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"Find your brother? Do you honestly think I can help find your brother? Do you know how hard that is?" Taehyung blankly stated as he stared at him but the younger just smiled at him.

"You're Kim Taehyung aren't you? Son of Daehyun and Baekhyun?" Taehyung raised a eyebrow at him "did your research now did you?"

Hoseok smiled at that "I've been meaning to talk to you. I know you can help me find my brother."

"Oh, is that so?" Hoseok nodded at that "I've heard great stories about your parents and if you're their son then you can help me find my brother."

Taehyung clicked his tongue "fine. You have yourself a deal." Taehyung outstretched his hand for a handshake which the younger accepted "great. Tell me the plan, positions and times for tonight."


"We have trespassers! I repeat we have trespassers!" The watch out announced as soon as he saw his colleague get killed "I repeat we have trespassers they're in the left wing section 3-" before he could finish the person behind him caught up with the poor male and slashed his throat without a second thought.

Keeping his mouth mask on he looked up to see someone coming out of a room with a dead body on his knife, the other male brought his mouth mask down "think we did a good enough distraction?"

The other male grinned and brought down his own mouth mask "considering JR will be sending most of his gang in our direction... I think we did." The younger brought a fist backwards causing him to successfully punch one of the males that was behind him. Turning he kicked the male down before knocking another one completely cold.

"There's only two of you! Surrender to us you fools!" One of the males yelled but the boys just scoffed and kept fighting their way through the people running their way.

"I don't think you realise who we are." The older of the two said as he punched someone's throat hard enough that he start to suffocate due to the swelling "we're with Kim Taehyung."


"Jr we have a situation! Kim Taehyung's gang is here!" A blonde male came running into the room.

"Make sure we have the best people guarding the room Kim Seokjin's in we don't want him getting his brother." JR stated as he got up to get his gun and knife.

Nodding the blonde male ran back out to inform the people that JR wanted to guard the door of the room the older Kim was being held.


Being the leader of a mafia? Gang? Doesn't really matter to Taehyung what his family business was all he knew was that he was the leader and being the leader he meant to be cold, soulless and merciless, especially when killing. Did he feel bad when he squashed a guy's head flat or blow a poor teenage boy's brains out? No. He killed anyone who got in his way with a single bullet or a slash of his knife.

"My my my are you guys JR's finest?" Taehyung scoffed as he shot the last guard at the door before knocking the door down "hyung!"

Taehyung rushed to his older brother who was bruised and tied to a chair with a mouth gag. Taking out the gag he quickly moved to work on untying the ropes "I'm so sorry it took long hyung I couldn't find the building and I needed a driver-"

"It's alright Taehyung it's only been 3 days." Jin cut him off "how does my face look? They didn't mess it up did they?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes at that, and that is why Taehyung took over, Jin cared more for his looks hence why he's the model and Taehyung's the heartless leader "perfectly fine now go with Namjoon to Yoongi and leave."

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