Chapter 1: Replay

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TW: Mention off depression

- Kawa, auntie Kawa?

Kara Danvers woke up to tiny feet jumping next to her on the bed, she saw Alex and Maggie's adopted daughter Jaime jumping on the bed. Jaime was a wild and silly 4 year old girl with brown eyes, freckles and light brown colored skin.

- Yes my little munchkin? Kara asked

- Kawa? Can you please do my hair? Jaime asked

Kara mentioned Jaime to sit on the edge off the bed before Kara collected all off Jaime's hair and carefully started braiding it into two braids. Kara loved being with her niece, but she also wished she had her own daughter to rise, but the only one she wanted to rise a child with was Lena and Lena wasn't here anymore.

As soon as Kara was done braiding Jaime's hair, Alex walked into the room, before Kara knew it Jaime was on Alex back getting a piggyback out off the room from her Mama.

Kara watched Jaime happily exit the room before she picked her phone up, and logged into Youtube. She knew it wasn't healthy to watch Lena's old videos together with her, but she couldn't help it. Even thought it killed her it also made her feel calm somehow. When Kara went into Lena's youtube channel she noticed that Lena had uploaded a new video after 2 years off being absent a video called Replay. 

Kara plugged her headphones into her phone before she pressed play on the video. 

- Hi Guys...I don't really know what to say...I guess I have some explaining to do, I mean I was absent for 2 years.  Well her I go...after my mom died, I got really sad because I somehow felt like it was my fault that my mum died, and I started pushing the people who loved me away, I pushed Kara away. 

Lena wiped the tears that started falling down her cheeks with the back off her hand. 

- I went to the doctor, and the doctor gave me Fluoxetin a medicine against depression, he also told me to go to therapy and talk. And at first I hated it, I didn't like my therapist at all, but after a while we started talking and now she is my bestfriend. Shout out to you Jess, anyways I guess I just wanted to say that I am back, and this is me pressing replay. 

AN: I don't know much about depression, but in this story Lena have suffered from depression but the therapy and medicine made her better and she isn't suffering anymore. 

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