Chapter 14: Hitman

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- Hi guys, I am going to E3 in a couple of days but I thought I could at least record one video for you guys before I go, so in this video I am going to try out playing Hitman. I have never been that good at stealth so let's see how it is all going. Oh and don't forget to hit the subscribe button and the like button, also please leave a comment down below.  

Lena played the game for a while it was fun and somehow addicting. Was it wrong saying that when she was literally playing as Agent 47 a hitman? Someone who kills people. Lena got interuppted by her thought by Anakin running into the room with an red ball into the mouth.

- I'm coming, I'm coming.
Lena said before leaving the room. She could edit her video after she had spent some time with her dog. Speaking off dog Lena had completley forgot to get someone to take care off her dog when she was at E3..Lena thought for a while, she knew calling a kennel wouldn't work. Most Kennels want you to call atleast one week before going away. And Lena, Lena was leaving in 3 days. Lena thought long and hard, who could she leave Anakin with. Honestly she didn't know that many people living in National City. Heck she didn't even know many people when she lived in Metropolis to. The only one she used to hangout with was her ex girlfriend Veronica and her friends. And the only one she knew in National City was Kara her friends and of course Kara's sister Alex and her wife Maggie. Alex and Maggie that could work, hopefully they could take care off Anakin for a couple off days.

To Alex Danvers: Hi Alex it's Lena. I know this might come a little late, but could you take care off Anakin. While Kara and I are at E3?

To Lena Luthor: Sure I would love to and btw if you hurt my sister...your career as a gamer is over

To Alex Danvers: I know Alex and I would never hurt her...I still love her and hope we can fix our releationship during E3

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