Chapter 15: E3

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It was Kara's first time at an gaming event. Watching her ex boyfriend Mike play videogames with boys in her class and competing for money didn't count in Kara's eyes. Kara looked around everywhere people were walking around, or sitting infront off a computer trying out upcoming games, probably also recording videos for their youtube channel. Kara could feel some grip her hand.

- Are you ok? Lena asked
- Yeah I um..I'm just intimidated by all of this different people you know?
- Oh..yeah I can understand do you...
- Hi Lena.

Lena and Kara got interuppted in their conversation looking up they both saw Shihobhan standing infront of them, holding a tall boy with a black cap backwards on his head.

- Hi Shiobhan how you've been? Lena asked and hugged her.

- I've been great recently started playing Sims 4 on my channel and honestly the subscribers love about you?

- Oh you know, i'm keeping trying out games...see what my subscribers like and what not

- Oh yeah I see that you've been busy in another way also..

Shiobhan winked

- Um what...? Lena asked  confused

Shiobhan nuged Lena's shoulder and pointed her fingers towards Kara who was speaking on the phone with Snapper Car..her boss..

- Oh were not together..not yet anwayd Lena..said?

- Oh that's a bummer Shiobhan better act or someone might steal her from you

With that Shiobhan left and grabbed her boyfriends arms.

- So what did she want? Kara asked walking up to Lena
- Um she just wondered how I was doing and how my gaming life was going
- Oh..okay what were you guys whispering about then?
- Um what?
- Lena Elizabeth Luthor don't try to um what me..I saw you guys whispering about it while I was speaking with Snapper on the spill
- Okay then we were speaking about you
- Only good things I hope? Kara asked
- Off course Lena said kissing Kara's cheek.


The rest of the day consisted of the girls walking around looking at different things and of course listening on the panel about upcoming games...Lena couldn't wait to play some of them

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