Chapter 9: Call of duty: Ghosts

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It had been 3 weeks after the girls lunch date and the girls kept in contact, just three days after the lunch date Lena and Kara went together and watched the Wonder Woman movie and on the way home the girls had spent hours talking about the movie and different scenes in the movies especially the no man's land scene...but honestly who didn't talk about that scene after watching Wonder Woman and leaving the theater. Right now Lena was in front off her computer filming a game play video off her playing Call off duty ghosts, she had asked her subscribers to leave different games they wanted her to play down in the comments below and a lot off people had asked her to play a Call off duty game and she had decided on playing Call off duty ghosts. Mostly because off the dog Riley that reminded her about her own dog Anakin. 

- Hi guys, so a while ago I asked you guys to leave me comments on what kind off games I should play and a lot off you guys suggested a call of duty today, so today I will be playing Call Off Duty Ghosts. I don't know if this will be a game play it depends on how many views and how many likes the video games, but um yeah...I am going to start playing now and don't forget to subscribe. 


Kara walked back and fourth, pacing around in the living room. She had done it before how hard could it be to just call Lena and ask her if she wanted to go to the theaters and watch Spiderman Homecoming, the girls had so much fun last time they in theaters together so why not watch a movie together again...Kara sighed before pressing the numbers and then later the call button

- Hi it's Lena

- Hi Lena it's Kara 

- Hi Kara, what do you want?

- I wanted to ask you if you wanted to watch Spiderman Homecoming with me..Alex and Maggie misses Anakin and would love to take care off him so you don't need a dog sitter if you wanna go

- Kara, stop babbling..I would love to go, what day?

- Friday

- Okay then, I see you Friday 

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