Chapter 11: Sleepover

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It was getting late and Lena really didn't want Kara to go home. But how did you tell your ex and the woman you still were in love with to stay? Lena sighed before opening her mouth..

- So..I was thinking that maybe...we could have a sleepover? But only if you like tho

- Sure...why not...then maybe I can get enough sleep and don't get woken up by a toddler because i'm missing an episode off paw patrol.

- Paw Patrol? Lena looked confused

- Yeah it's a kids show about dogs helping out in a there's like an police dog and an firefighter dog...which happens to be my favorite his name is Marshall by the way..

- Oh Lena said giggiling so which one is Jaime's favorite?

-'s an Alaskan Malamute..she isn't in that many episodes thought.

- Oh maybe I should also watch the series to catch up...Lena said laughing

- Yeah..I mean you could always join a hangout with me and Jaime..Kara said.

The conversation stopped and the silent aired filled the room again causing the girls to be standing in an awkward situation...

- So...

- So...

- Do you want the bed...I can take the sofa if you like?

- No Lena this is your home now...I"ll take the sofa you can take the bed

- Are you sure?

- Yeah...I am

- Oh well then can borrow one off my shirts if you like and um one off your toothbrushes are still in the cabinet so...

- Okay thanks

Kara collected the things before stepping inside the bathroom. She changed into Lena's old shirt a shirt from an Lana Del Rey concert before starting to brush her teeth...she really liked Lena and ahh fuck it Kara thought for herself. Kara stepped out off the bathroom, spun Lena around and kissed her

AN: after all this drama...I hope you be honest it was kinda awkward to start this story after what happend...but you know fuck it...I am going to keep doing what I like to do...and I am going to keep writing what I like to write oh and btw I need games that Lena should play

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