Chapter 4: Talking

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Lena slowly walked into the park where Kara was waiting, her heart was beating fast because off her nerves. Anakin started getting impatient and started dragging on the leash...heel she said and Anakin once again walked next to her.
After a while Lena spotted Kara and walked up to her. Kara greated Anakin with alot of pets and cuddles and Anakin returned the favor by greeting Kara with lot's of tag wails, barks and dog kisses.
Hi Kara said after beeing done greeting Anakin

Hi Kara Lena said greeting her back

- So how has life been? Kara asked Lena.

Lena told her about the confusing time after her mothers death, how she became depressed and how she took antidepressant and went to therapy. What about you, how has your life been

- It's been okay, I went on a few dates with both guys and girls but neither felt okay. Maggie and Alex have adopted a child by the way, her name is Jaime and she helped me alot after the break up. Kara started telling Lena about Jaime and her crazy ideas soon the girls started talking and laughing like in the old days

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