Chapter 20: First date (second time)

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Kara fidget nervously with bracelet, on her wrist. It was time for Kara and Lena's first date a second time and Kara was rather nervous. Alex had braided Kara's hair into an french braid, and helped pick out Kara an outfit. An outfit that consisted of a white shirt, a pair off black jeans and she got to a wine red leather jacket from Alex.

Kara rang the doorbell, it was weird how she years ago was able to walk in and out off that door without no care, but now here she was waiting on the door to be open, waiting on someone to welcome her.

Lena opened the door

And gosh Lena looked beautiful she was wearing almost the same exact outfit that she did the day when Kara first saw her.

- Are you ready?

Kara nodded and slipped her hand inverting Lena's hand with her own.

- To Noonans.

Both Kara and Lena had decided to have their second first date in the sweet little cafe, that always smelled like freshly good bakeries and freshly brewed coffee. Stepping inside they all headed towards a table in the dimlight of the cafe corner.

- What can I get you guys? Said the middleaged man working for Kara and Lena's table.

- I have an mocha coffee and a carrot cake please..
Kara answered the waitress
- And I have an americano and a red velvet cupcake please..Lena answered the waitress.

The waitress dissaperad causing Lena and Kara to sit alone at the table..

- So how was metropolis?

Kara asked hoping to calm down the air off silence and awkwardness that was floating around them

- Oh it was okay, I thought it would be much worse

- Oh so what did you desied to bring?

- Oh just some old stuff like school work I got good grades on, some old video games, my old nintendo 64 it still works as a charm..

- Lena honestly you are soon going to need a bigger gaming room, maybe if we move into a house you could have the basment for your own.

- We?

- Kara tried thinking off a good save, luckily the waitress came and saved her ass.

Kara and Lena both enjoyed their bakeries and hot drinks, before chatting about work, memories and the weather

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