Step thirteen realize you failed

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I awoke to find my vision was still blurred. This caused me to blink rapidly and soon I could make out the room I was in. It was a very large room, something you would see in the 1800s. A fancy rug that went well with the giant red curtains, that hid the windows underneath them. The walls a dark green color and a giant painting hung in the middle of the room. "Wanderer above the sea of fog." A familiar voice said. I turned my head to see Jin standing on my left hand side, between the door way. He entered the room with his hands in his pockets. I looked down at the comfortable bed I had been sitting up on. The bed reminded me of the bed sleeping beauty had been lying on from the disney version. "What I love about this painting is the uncertainty of whether or not the man will jump. The uncertainty of death." Jin said in a cold voice. He stood in front of me staring me up and down until our eyes met. He walked closer to me and his cold fingers trailed down my neck. I flinched when he touched where Yoongi had bit. "He has quite an appetite, he sank his teeth in pretty deep." He roughly removed his hand and stood up standing where he was before. I was confused, I was fearful, my emotions wouldn't let me see the truth.  "Oh come on." Jin's eyes were soon consumed by a blood red color. This caused me to quiver in fear reminding me of Yoongi. "I know you know what we are by now." He chuckled. "Fucking monsters." I accidentally blurted out. I flinched at the thought that Jin would get angry because of my remark. Jin chuckled. "You're lucky Yoongi didn't feed you his blood, then you would know what its like." Jin snapped back. "Your'e such a whore aren't you? He's just saving you as pleasure and livestock, and yet you couldn't kill him?" "Shut up." I mumbled trying to avoid eye contact. "Where'd you get that gun anyway? I'm afraid those are very rare my dear." I kept my mouth shut and calmed myself from trying to let him anger me. "Knock, knock." I turned my head to see Hoseok walk through the doorway. "Jin leave her alone." I turned my head to him. He gave Jin a little shove. "Hasn't she been through enough already?" Hoseok said to my delight. I still hated all of them after finding out what they were but at least Hoseok has some common sense. "But I could see why Yoongi did what he did. Your scent is unbearable." "Scent of blood?" I stupidly asked knowing the answer. Hoseok nodded slowly. "Where's Yoongi?" I asked. Part of me wanted to be as far away from him as possible, but part of me longed to be near him. "He had to calm down in the other room. After all you did try to kill him." Hoseok reminded me. "Who exactly are you?" Jin asked harshly. "Y/n age twenty one, occupation assassin." I looked at the doorway and Namjoon was surely standing there. He joined the two other boys and stood beside Hoseok. "She was behind all the mutt vampire killings." He informed them. "What?" I said loudly. I couldn't believe it, this whole time I had been assassinating vampires? But why was the gun I should of used on Yoongi different?  "Oh had you not known you were killing vampires? " Hoseok asked with curiosity. They all stared at me with confusion on their faces. "I...I." There was no point in hiding anything now they already knew. "No not at all, but the gun..the gun I used on Yoongi why..." "Because he's a pureblood." Jin said.

Run (Yoongi x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon