Introduction [Edited]

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Hey, everyone! I'm Michaela, and I'm the author of this fanfic. I first wrote this story back when I was 16 years old (I'm now 22), and I've recently decided that I wanted to go through this book and edit it a lot. This chapter will 1.) for new readers, it'll explain the important things you need to know for the story, and 2.) for everyone in general, it'll explain the changes being made.

So to start, one major importance that everyone should note is that the vast majority of characters in this fanfic will be aged up to the age they are/would be in Shogun Steel (around 21 years old), but it still follows the metal saga plot. The only characters who are not aged up are Yu and Tithi; they will still be kids. The appearance of these characters will also mostly resemble their looks in Shogun Steel, and for those who do not make an appearance in that series, they're described as having more mature features (if they weren't an adult already). Note: until this book is fully edited, the ages will not match up throughout the story.

The next important thing to note is that this book will be changed from first person POV to second person. If you start reading this book during the editing process, you'll see which chapters have been edited/are in the process because they'll be in 2nd person, and it'll switch to 1st person for unedited chapters. Another way to know if the chapter is edited or not is by checking the chapter title; I will put a note in it that says it's edited once I complete it. If you notice that something in the edited chapters doesn't line up with something in the unedited, please leave it be or don't question it. I do make changes that impact later chapters, and I'm aware when things don't line up and will fix it when I get to it!

Also, all my books are marked mature because they all contain adult content, and this one is no exception. I prefer that minors do not interact with my stories because of this, but as I can't enforce it, know that by continuing to read this book, you consent to mature themes. In the endings, I do mark off where sexual content is so that you can skip it if that's not your thing, but that's it. You can expect explicit language, violence, and innuendos throughout the actual story.

Before I delve into the information on your character, the last few final changes that are important to note for this story is that I will be giving your beyblade a name in the edited version, and [Name] will be written as Y/N (though I rarely actually type Y/N to try and not break the flow of the story when I edit things). I always regretted not giving the beyblade a name from the start, especially when it has a theme, so I'm taking it upon myself to name your character's bey. Additionally, to make it easy to follow along with the timeline of the story, I utilize dates and times instead of just saying 'time skip.'

Anyway, onto your character's information:

Birthday: January 1st, 2000
Nationality: The country you were born in is up to you, but your character has lived in the United States since she was very young, and she's a U.S. citizen, though she travels a lot nowadays
Appearance: I keep the description of your character vague as to allow you to picture yourself or your OC, whichever you prefer
Beyblade: you'll learn soon >:)
You have your mother and father, along with your uncle, Mr. Amano, and his daughter (your cousin), Madoka Amano.

Anyway, y'all, thank you in advance for hanging in there as I edit this book; I promise it'll be better once it's all edited and fixed up, but I hope you can enjoy what's already written!

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