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November 1960

Genevieve Malfoy was born on The 23rd night of November to Abraxus and Alice Malfoy.  Her brother, Lucius, was seven at the time, and gazed at the small child with curiosity. She was small, as far as children go. Soon she would grow and mature into something much better than was expected of her. She would grow and realize a different meaning to right and wrong than was taught by her parents.


Genevieve was four when she found herself spending time alone. Her brother Lucius, had gone to start his first year at Hogwarts. Genevieve's days were spent playing by herself, instead of in the company of her brother. When Lucius came back from school, he no longer payed attention to her. He spent his days with friends, talking about school and girls and ultimately ignoring her existence. She found a friend in her cousin, Sirius Black. They became inseparable. While Sirius was more of a trouble maker, Evie was quieter. As they grew, they found themselves wanting nothing more than to be different than there family's, who treated the both of them badly. They bonded over this, making a pact that neither of them would be sorting into Slytherin, like so many others in their family.


War had begun. Lord Voldemort and his death eaters had officially declaimed war on the wizarding world and Evie wanted no part of it, unlike her family. She and Sirius started there time at Hogwarts to find themselves separated from each other. Sirius had made it into Gryfandor, and Evie into Hufflepuff, but they still made  time for each other. She made friends with Wendy Graham who was her polar opposite. Wendy had curly black hair and brown eyes while Evie had inherited the Malfoy platinum hair and stormy blue eyes. As Evie grew, she gathered more attention in unwanted places. She was cursed with a beautiful figure. She was cursed because the summer of her second year, she was sexually assaulted by a friend of her fathers.  Had Sirius not been there, the result would have been much worse, but the things that were said to her caused her to trade in her cute pastels for unfaltering grays. She made herself as dull as possible, not wanting anyone to notice her as she gained the form and face of a supermodel.

Her home life was not a spectacular one, nor was Sirius's. They were treated horribly at home ever since being sorted in not Slytherin. They found themselves counting the days until Hogwarts started again or staying at friends houses.  When Evie was in her third year at Hogwarts, the treatment she received at home went from them pretending she didn't exist, to her father abusing her. No one but her parents, her, and Lucius knew about it. She was to ashamed and scared to tell Wendy or Sirius about it. She stopped going anywhere, per her Fathers instructions, and Sirius stopped coming, except when there family's got together. When that happened she would catch up with him and enjoy his company while she could, while hiding her bruises as best she could. Join Evie in her fourth year at Hogwarts, as she expands her horizons, and learns more about the war looming over there heads.

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