Part eleven: Positive

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Act one, part eleven

Dumbledore was trying his best to help the two seventh year students. He constantly asked them questions about the situation, some examples being:

What do your parents treat you like and if Evie was promised to Sirius, or the Blacks in general.

Thy tried not to stress the matter too much, until Lily came running up to them on day in early November. Sirius turned seventeen on the third and Evie would be on the twenty third.

"Guys!" Lily said, out of breath. "Severus just got this in the mail."

"I thought you weren't talking to him anym- Oh my god." James said, after taking a look at what Lily handed him. The group gathered around the letter, wishing it were something different.

It was a wedding invitation with both Sirius and Evie's names on it. Evie started to freak out, causing Wendy to try and calm her down. Evie had a whole different reason to be panicking than everyone but Wendy thought.

Wendy and James found themselves in Dumbledores office, showing him the invite. He was surprised, but told the duo that he would do his best to stop this. He told them that as much as he hated to say it, the best option might be to have Sirius run away from home. The reasoning behind this was that his family wouldn't look for him, so they would pass Evie to Regulus and give them more time to figure something out.

James went back to the Gryfandor commons and told Sirius, and saying that he could stay with him if this was the plan they chose. Sirius agreed to this plan, but was still worried for Evie, who had gone to meet up with Wendy after James came in.

Evie met up with Wendy in Moaning Myrtles bathroom, where they planned to meet. She had asked Wendy to get something from Dumbledore, who gave it to her without much questioning.

Both Wendy and Evie knew how bad this situation would get, if what they suspected was true. Potentially catastrophic even. Evie was just glad Wendy was there for her, because she couldn't do this alone.

Evie found herself staring blankly at the object in her hands. All she could do was look up at Wendy and give her a pathetic nod, not knowing what else to do.

This was not good.

Evie decided she was going to keep this not good secret as long as she could, until she could figure out a way to officially confirm it. It could be not true for all she knew, but the more she looked at the facts the more she couldn't deny it.

Evie and Sirius decided that they would try and stay at Hogwarts during Christmas. There couldn't be a wedding without a bride and a groom. The group was sat at the Gryfandor table one day into Holliday when the doors of the great hall burst open.

Abraxas Malfoy and Waberga Black came stomping into the great hall. Evie instantly shoved Wendy under the table, knowing what would happen if they saw them together. Remus looked absolutely terrified and didn't know what to do.

"Genevieve, Sirius, let's go." Abraxas demanded, approaching them confidently.

"No." Evie said to them, surprising everyone around them. If looks could kill, Evie would be dead. Abraxas grabbed Evie by the collar of her shirt, but Remus had him off of her in a second and was standing in between them.

"What seems to be the issue here?" Dumbledore asked, stepping into the great hall. He knew full well what the problem was.

"We are taking out children home for the holidays." Abraxas said, daring Dumbledore to tell him otherwise.

"Mister Lupin, if you could please stand aside," Dumbledore said, Remus went to protest but Abraxas took this time to grab Evie by the arm and drag her out of the great hall, with Sirius and Walburga in tow.

James held Remus back from following them, knowing that plan B would be put into action and hopefully everything would be okay. Wendy got out from under the table and plowed Dumbledore out, desperately trying to tell him something. Remus was in shock, this was reallly happening.

Evie struggled against her fathers grip, but she knew it was useless. He appreated then to Malfoy manor where her mother and Lucius were waiting. Lucius was giving her sympathetic looks, meaning that this wasn't good at all.

"Why didn't you come home for break?" Her father asked harshly.

"We missed the train." Evie answered instantly.

"Why didn't you give us a letter so we could come get you?" He asked venomously.

"Because I didn't want you too." Evie said, instantly regretting it. Abraxas went to hit her but was stopped by her mother.

"Go to your room." Her mother said to her. She did as she was told and ran back to her room.

When she got into her room, she quickly wrote a letter to Remus. Hopefully the owl would make it to Hogwarts. No one came into her room for the rest of the night.

Remus was absolutely miserable. Evie was gone and even if Sirius managed to get out, there was no guarantee that she will too. He was sat next to Wendy and James at the breakfast table the next morning when an unfamiliar owl landed near him.

He took the letter from it curiously, and was greeted with Evie's handwriting. He stared for a moment before opening it.

I don't have much time to explain, but you need to ask Wendy about something. She'll know what I'm talking about and Remus, please don't be upset with me for not telling you. I love you, so much and I'm sorry,  but I don't think I'll be coming back.

He handed the letter to Wendy, and looked at her expectantly. Wendy began to cry, much to his surprise. She pulled herself together after a moment and pulled him outside of the great hall.

"What is this about? What did she mean?" Remus demanded. He was more scared than he ever had been in his life.

"Remus, I don't know how to tell you this so I'm going to be as blunt as possible. Okay?" Wendy asked.

"Just bloody tell me!" He said loudly in reply.

"Evie is pregnant." Wendy told him. "She said she thinks she has been since October, but didn't realize it. We got a test from Dumbledore and it came out positive."

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