Part two: Figure Eight

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Act one, part two

Evie found herself listening to her her best friend ranting about how hot Sirius was that night in the Hufflepuff common room. Wendy decided during dinner that she wanted to spend more time with Sirius, and requested that Evie help her. Evie agreed of course, wanting her friend to be happy.

Remus was pleasantly surprised to find that he had more classes with Evie this year. He made himself comfortable in the spot next to hers, on the other side of Wendy. He sent her the same soft smile that made her brain malfunction and she sent one back. Sirius sat next to Wendy, sticking a quill into Evie's bun as he passed. She took it out and wrote with it for the rest of the class, much to Remus's amusement. Since there was no homework, neither found themselves in the library.

A week into term, Sirius decided that he wanted to go swimming in the lake. More accurately he decided he wanted to see Wendy Graham in a swim suit, so he invited her and Evie to join the marauders to swim, knowing Evie would take the offer. James invited Lily Evans, the girl he's had a crush on since first year.

That Saturday, Remus found himself shirtless in the black lake alongside Sirius and James. Lily was here too, surprisingly splashing around with James. Sirius didn't tell them that he invited Evie, so when Remus saw her and Wendy approach them he was surprised. They were both in coverups, much like Lilly had been when she arrived.

"Finally, some girls!" Lilly said, getting out to meet up with them. James watched as she went, while Sirius turned to them.

"Don't stare at Evie, please. She has... issues." He said to them warningly. They agreed of course and Sirius turned and followed Lilly to the shore. When Sirius reached the shore he heard Evie tell Wendy she was just gonna sit and read.

"It's just us Evie." He said sympathetically, knowing why she was so reluctant to get in the water. "You don't have anything to worry about."

"But I-" she said nervously, Sirius gave her a pointed look and she sighed. "Fine. Whatever."

James had turned away from the scene and to Remus just in time to see his face change. Remus's eyes widened slightly and his jaw dropped, staring ahead. James turned back in the direction to see what he was looking at and his face soon turned the same.

Evie had always worn baggy cloths, never anything that gave a clue as to what she was hiding underneath. They both understood why now.

Genevieve Malfoy was stunning. It was apparent even in the plain white bikini she wore. Her body could stop traffic, with a full chest and an ass to die for. Remus noticed a large scar on Evie's perfect stomach and wondered were it came from. Neither one of them were expecting  such a sight to come from such a girl. Apparently neither had Lilly.

"Holy hell, Evie!" She explained shocked.

"What?" Evie said surprised looking down at herself.

"You are a babe!" She said laughing. Only Wendy understood the warning look Sirius gave her, silently yelling at her to cut it out. They saw the look on Sirius's  face and instantly fixed there own.  Wendy took that time to tackle Evie into the water, making them both laugh.

The group made there way to where Remus and James were and Evie greeted Remus with a splash to the face, making him laugh and splash her back. Evie's eyes stuck slightly to Remus's scarred chest. She had never expected for him to be hiding a toned and muscular body underneath his jumpers and behind books. He was hot in her opinion. She wondered where he got all the scars from, fighting the urge to run her fingers across them.

The group spent the rest of the day playing around in the water happily. Peter had left earlier than the rest of them and James wanted to walk with lily so Remus and Sirius walked the remaining two girls to there common room.

"I had fun today." Evie stated to the group.

"I did too. We should do it again." Wendy said to them.  Sirius and Remus agreed instantly.

"Is this your common room?" Remus asked confused as the approached a painting of a bowl of fruit.

"No, this is the kitchen!" Evie said laughing. "Care to join us?"

Since the boys had never been to the kitchens before, they agreed. They were greeted by a ton of house elves asking what they could get for them. Evie asked for pomegranate and a bowl and Wendy asked for ice cream.

The four of them sat in some of the arm chairs that were randomly placed around the room. And chatted some more while the girls waited for there snacks. The house elves game back out with there things, giving Wendy a tub of ice cream and two spoons and giving Evie a bowl of pomegranate seed with a extra bowl.  She put the bowl between her and Remus and offered him some, which he agreed too.

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