Part one: Hogwarts

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Act one, part one

September 1976

Genevieve Malfoy boarded the Hogwarts express alongside her cousin Sirius Black. They would both be going back for there sixth year, and although they border together, they both parted ways to find there other friends. Genevieve found her friend, Wendy Graham, in a compartment alone.

"Evie!" She said elegantly, rising to pull her friend into a hug. The two girls hadn't seen each other all summer due to Evie's Father, who wouldn't allow her to go anywhere.

Over the summer her Father had become physically abusive, instead of just mentally. He stopped letting her leave the house and started to hit her when she did things he didn't like, or when he was angry.

Being a Hufflepuff in a Slytherin only family was not very fun. Evie didn't tell her friend Wendy about what was happening, mother cousin Sirius. She felt ashamed, like she deserved it for being different. She also felt scared, since her father was a very rash man. She simply told Wendy that she was grounded, since her friend knew her parents weren't exactly reasonable. The two of them chatted for a while while waiting for the train to take off. When the train started to move, there was a knock on the compartment door.

"Hey Evie, is it alright if my friends and I sit with you?" Sirius asked sheepishly.

"Did you linger at the candy cart too long again?" She asked pleasantly.

"You know it." He responded, opening the door to let his three friends in. Evie was a little surprised when Sirius's friend Remus sat down across from her with a smile.

Evie met Remus in the library on second year. They both sat at the same table to do homework nearly everyday. At first they sat at the table together because it was both of there favorites, being right next to the window. Later on in the year they sat together on purpose, neither of them saying a word but greeting the other with a soft smile.

Remus developed a crush on Genevieve not long after they began sitting together on purpose. When she wasn't looking he would observe the way she sat with her knees pulled to her chest and her head rested on her knees. He adored the way she brushed her platinum hair behind her ear and wore big sweaters as of to hide herself completely. He was the first one to talk to her, simply asking for her name.

Remus asked Sirius about her one day, after seeing them together countless times before. He asked him a few questions about her, but soon realized how much she meant to him. He didn't want to upset Sirius by his feelings twords Evie, so he confided in James.

Genevieve developed a crush on Remus soon after they started talking to each other. She loved how timid he was, always speaking softly and seemingly shy. She watched as he walked in large, smooth steps, greeting her with a smile that lit up the whole room. Evie could tell by his eyes that he was hiding something. He was hiding something that made him feel worthless, something dangerous.  She felt conflicted about her feelings for him, unaware what Sirius's opinion would be.

Remus gave Evie his heart stopping smile as Sirius sat next to Wendy (who was next to Evie) and James next to him, while  Peter next to Remus. Summer seemed to have done her both good and bad. She had (if possible) become more beautiful than before, yet her eyes held something new. They held sadness and fear, that a smile couldn't quite mask. He silently wondered what had happened over the summer but knew she would tell him if she wanted. She wore a plain grey sweater, that completely hid the shape of her body, accompanied by a pair of ripped skinny jeans. His eyes stuck slightly to her legs, that most of the time were hidden by her robes.

Evie noticed Remus's questioning eyes. He always knew when something was up with her. Summer had definitely done him well. He had gotten stronger and taller, along with a haircut that fit his face delightfully.

"What has Lucius been up too lately?" Sirius asked Evie. They hadn't had time to catch up on the platform, and hadn't seen each other since halfway through the summer when there family's met up for dinner.

"He got a job at the ministry." Evie answered quietly. She felt odd being around Sirius with his friends. Wendy knew of her kinship with Sirius and stared at Sirius. She thought he was attractive, along with every other girl in the school.

"That's good of him. Have you met my friends?" He asked, realizing he hadn't introduced him. "This is James, Peter, and Remus. Who is your friend?"

"I know Remus but hello Peter and James. I'm Evie." She said with a small smile. James's eyes met Remus's, silently asking if she was the Evie, the one he fancied. Remus gave him a small nod and James smiled at Evie, giving her a cheerful hello while Peter just nodded.

"I'm Wendy Graham." Wendy said, mostly to Sirius. Evie had already told Wendy it was okay for her to flirt with him, as they would get along nicely.

"So your Wendy! I must say, Evie never said you were this attractive." Sirius said to her, causing Evie to roll her eyes. The train was rolling down the tracks, quickly taking them to Hogwarts.

"How was your summer?" Remus asked her awkwardly, causing her to give a small laugh at his cuteness.

"Alright. How was yours?" She asked, happy to be able to talk to him so soon. They started a small conversation before they both pulled out there books and started reading. This was something they both typically did on the ride to Hogwarts, or at Hogwarts really.

"Look at them." James said to Sirius, as they were getting nearer to there destination. "They are a match made in heaven."

"I've noticed that myself actually." Sirius answered back. "They would he cute together, but Evie is shy. She doesn't open up easy."

"It seems to me she already has." James said, watching as Evie glanced up from her book , making eye contact Remus and blushed when he smiled at her. Sirius watched curiously as Evie stuck her tongue out at Remus making him laugh happily.

"How did I miss this?" Sirius said confused. He want angry, if anything he encouraged a relationship between the two of them. If anyone could make Remus happy, it was her. She handled monsters at home well enough to accept Remus's Lycanthropy with open arms.

Sirius decided as the train pulled into the Hogsmade station, that he would find reasons to get them to hang out. They would make each other happy. That's all Sirius wanted or Evie, and Remus for that matter. They deserved happiness.

Twisted *Remus Lupin {completed}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα