Part ten: Melencholy

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Act one, part ten

When Evie arrived home, her parents didn't yell like she expected. They just let her go straight to her room, where she proceeded to play her violin to ease her mind. Since Remus turned 17 in March he just appreated her home, and then snuck into her room. He relaxed on her bed while she played the violin, since he'd never heard it before.

She stopped playing after a little while and laid with Remus on the bed. He instantly put his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

"I'm worried." Evie admitted, resting her head on Remus's arm.

"We'll figure something out." Remus said quietly, reaching for his wand on the bedside table to cast a silencing spell on the room so they wouldn't get caught. No one came in her room otherwise. When Remus returned to facing her he found himself pulled into a kiss from Evie, which he returned instantly.

He was the one who deepened the kiss, realizing that not only were they properly alone, but that they also had all the time in the world.

The first thing that could be noticed at kings cross station that September is the state of the people. Everyone seemed on edge, nervous and some seemed down right scared.

The second thing was an air of melancholy surrounded them, making the bright red of the Hogwarts express seem dimmer with every passing moment.

Voldemort and his death eater were at large, terrorizing and killing dozens of people just over the summer. Anyone around you could be a death eater, and many parents didn't want their kids to come back to Hogwarts this year.

Evie decided to get a compartment alone with Wendy, since they weren't able to meet up this summer. Evie spent most of the train ride explaining what had happened this summer. After she was done explaining, Wendy wanted to go meet up with the marauders.

They found the boys in a compartment with Lily Evans, which was weird but they went with it. Much to Evie's dismay, Wendy high fives Remus on sight.

"Wendy!" Evie scolded, knowing why she did that. Remus on the other hand was confused.

"What did I do to earn such a crisp high five?" Remus asked jokingly.

"Evie." Wendy said casually. Remus blushed and Evie pushed Wendy onto the ground. Sirius, who heard the conversation started to choke on his chocolate frog.

"What!" Sirius asked surprised. Evie was able to talk with him after the big announcement this summer but of course she didn't tell him.

"Remus and Evie fu-" Wendy started as she began to stand. Evie quickly put her on her back again.

"Nothing the concerns you!" Evie said to him quickly, looking at Remus for help.

"As your future husband it is my concern." Sirius said like he was trying to prove a point.

"That's not funny, Sirius." Remus snapped instantly, causing everyone to look at him.

"Whoa! Calm down, mate. Its not like they're actually getting married!" James said laughing. Remus glared at him, catching him off guard.

"James, there's something I haven't told you." Sirius whispered, furthering the confused look.

"Just tell Peter and Lily too why don't you!" Evie said loudly, she was not happy with him for making that joke. Sirius looked at her apologetically.

"Wait are you guys actually getting married?" James asked confused.

"Our family's want us too. They arranged it since we were born." Evie said,

"Wait! They enforce arranged marriages by death." James said, his face going white.

"Yeah, that's why Sirius joke was insensitive." Wendy said, just as aggravated as everyone else.

"What are you guys going to do?" Lily asked them. She was actually concerned for them, having never heard of arranged marriages in the wizarding world. 

"We are still working on it." Remus said to her. Sirius was taking this much too lightly.

Evie gave Remus a kiss goodbye and her and Wendy went back to their compartment for the rest of train ride.

At the welcoming feast, Dumbledore gave a morbid speech about staying safe and how dark times were upon us. It bummed everyone out until he said something funny at he end. Wendy and Evie sat at the Hufflepuff table and ate, both trying to figure out what Evie and Sirius were going to do.

They decided she should talk to Dumbledore, since he would know something. When they were finished eating, Wendy signaled to Dumbledore that the two of them wanted to talk to him outside. They went out into the corridor and waiting for him to come.

"Miss Malfoy and Miss Graham, what seems to be the issue?" Dumbledore asked stepping out.

"My family, sir. They have arranged for me to marry Sirius when I turn seventeen." Evie said, getting right to the point.

"Ah, I can see how this would be an issue." He said thoughtfully.

"Is there anyway that I can not marry him, without being..." Evie asked. It was completely legal from her family to punish her as they please, surprisingly. Its one of the many remaining old fashioned rules.

"I am not sure," Dumbledore said honestly, "but I assure you I will do my best to find out."

"Thank you so much, sir!" Evie said relieved.

"I will notify you if I find anything." He said, before going back into the great hall. Evie hugged Wendy in relief. If anyone could figure it out, it would be Dumbledore.

The marauders came out of the great hall a moment later, asking what Dumbledore said. They were just as relieved as she was to find out they had Dumbledore on their side.

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