Chapter Three

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Act two, part four

It was evident that Luna and JJ were unique children in many ways. Not only were the both metamorphous's, but they each inherited a different trait from their father.

JJ was strong. At one year old he could pick up his little sister. It surprised both Evie and Remus, since they didn't expect that to happen. They didn't recognize Luna's talent immediately, but caught on quick.

Luna had an amazing sense of smell. She knew who was in the same house as her by picking up their unique scent. It was an amazing ability that these children had, but also dangerous. Those abilities could manifest into something more.

Time flew by in the dark, twisted world they lived in. Evie and Remus weren't allowed to get married legally, due to Remus's Lycanthropy, but nothing could stop James and Lily from doing it.

The two had gotten together after graduation, and got married a year later, followed closely by Wendy and Sirius.

Everyone wanted to live there lives as full as they could, because no one was promised tomorrow. Not with this war raging on in all directions, showing now mercy on those who fell at its feet.

Both Lily and Wendy ended up having children with their husbands, and feeling terrified for their safety. Lily and James had a baby boy, named Harry. He looked just like James but had Lilly's dazzling green eyes.

Sirius and Wendy had a baby girl, Madeline Genine Black. She was the perfect mix of the two of them and it was obvious that her and Luna would get along great, since they were god-sisters.

An unfortunate, and unchangeable future had loomed them, and all at once everyone knew their place. Just because they knew the ending, doesn't mean they didn't try and change it. The order set up protecting Harry, James and Lily's son, because the Dark Lord was after him. They set up  a secret keeper and protection charms to keep everyone out.

Remus and Evie had a house of their own, encased in spells and wards, doing their best to keep the family inhabiting them safe.

Sirius and Wendy moved to France, with Wendy's parents who were excited to meet Sirius and Madeline. The group was always visiting the Potters and Lupins, as if they had never moved away at all.

What the group didn't know was that Peter had switched sides. He decided he was going to do his best to save his own skin, and that meant going against everyone who cared for him. When he bacame the Potters secret keeper, it was as if he'd stuck gold.

We all know how the original story ended. With a flash of green and body's dropping like marionettes with their strings cut off. With lightning scars and a one way car to Azkaban for an innocent man.

I regret to inform you that this version of the story is no exception.

Sirius Black arrived at the Potters destroyed home, and found his best friend dead on the floor. There was nothing left for him to do besides close his eyes, straighten the glasses on the fallen warriors nose, and continue on to find his son and wife.

He found Lily Evans-Potter in the same condition as James. He found her dead and discarded, like nothing more than a fallen scrap of parchment.

Young Harry was being held in the arms of Rubius Hagrid, who refused to give him the child that was now legally his.

Maybe if Hagrid had given Harry to him, what happened next wouldn't have. But Hagrid didn't, and Sirius did. He confront Peter Pettigrew, who blew up the street and left him to the dementors.

Evie and Wendy fought for him, explaining what they knew and how it wasn't him, but all the evidence was not enough to save him. He was taken from his family, se tinged to a lifetime in Azkaban. His last request for his family to stay strong, including Evie, Remus, and their children.

This is how the story ends, and this is how it always will. Fate is inescapable, and death comes for us in the end.

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