Part one: Happy

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Act two, part one

Evie's mother and father came into her room the next after noon. They took her downstairs where Sirius was waiting, for their wedding rehearsal.

"I will not marry Sirius." Evie said loudly, causing hers and Sirius's parents to look at her.

"You can and you will!" Her father yelled. "This is getting ridiculous Genevieve!"

"I CAN'T MARRY HIM." Evie yelled back, shocking everyone. That was the first time she ever raised her voice at her father.

"Why not? He's a nice boy." Her mother said, softly.

"I can't marry him because I love someone else." Evie said plainly.

"That doesn't matter now," her mother said sympathetically. "I was in love with someone else when I married your father, but now I love him."

"I can't marry him because I am pregnant." Evie yelled loudly, causing everyone in the room to freeze.

"YOU CANT LIE YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS, GIRL." Her father screamed, coming towards her.  Evie held her arm out, separating her from her father and raised her shirt.

He stopped at the sight. Evie had a nice sized baby bump on her stomach, making it clear she was telling the truth.

Sirius stared at her in disbelief

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Sirius stared at her in disbelief. He was angry, how could she do this? How could Remus do this? Did he know about it? So many questions were running through his head, but he felt numb. Evie and Remus are his best friends.

"Get out." Abraxas said to the Black family, who were quick to comply.  Walbruga Black, in her anger, appreated Sirius back to Hogwarts and told him to never come back. She disowned his and left, so he walked back to Hogwarts from the gates numbly.

The longer he walked the angrier he got. Evie was 17, and she was pregnant. She had a whole life ahead of her! It was lunch time, so Sirius stomped into the great hall to see his friends rise when they saw him.  Remus looked to be a mess, like he hadn't slept at all, but that didn't stop Sirius from marching up to him.

"You-" he started, pointing his finger in Remus's face. The look on Remus face told him he knew exactly what he was talking about.

In his fury, Sirius punched Remus in the face with everything he had. James jumped up and held Sirius back from hitting him again while Remus just stood their. He felt like he deserved it.

"What the hell, mate!" James yelled, as Dumbledore got out of his seat to asses the issue. Wendy sat there in shock along with Lily.

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