Chapter three part 1

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After I left the room to make breakfast I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Usagi-san was going to be a family with me. I know we already sort of are a family but I wanted much more. But right now I couldn't be happier since my wish was going to be fullfilled. I sturred in the pan on the stove with our breakfast. Akihiko came down the stairs in only his payama pants. His chest was bare and he didn't even wear his slippers. The sight made the lower part of my body grow hot. I quickly finished the food before Akihiko could assault me. Placing the plates on the table I sat down. Akihiko sat down opposite me and we started eating. It was silent until a knock on the door startled me. "Who could that be. It's still early." Akihiko grumbled when he got up to open the door. I just watched him go and waited. "What the hell are you doing here?" I heard Akihiko say. It startled me a bit since he rarely cursed. Not even when Aikawa was being a nuisance. I slowly got up and also walked over to the front door. "I have already told you Misaki is never going to choose you." Usagi-san said already closing the door. Then I turned the corner and saw someone I don't want to see again. I stopped in my tracks staring at the man in the doorway. "Ah Misaki. Good to see you again. How are you holding up with that no good brother of mine." He said pushing the door further open. I shook my head and taking a step back. "Why are you here?" I asked with trembling voice. Akihiko quickly stepped in front of me blocking me from view. "Haruhiko how many time do I have to tell you to just let us alone." Akihiko said walking to the door and shoving his brother out the door and closing it. I never told Akihiko I still had nightmares about my time with his brother but every time I see him I get shaken up and am unable to keep it together. After Usagi-san made sure his brother left he walked over to me and hugged me. I quickly hugged him back glad he was there. He let me calm down and after I had settled down he let me go and went back to the kitchen to finish his breakfast. I followed after him and sat down at the table. "what did he want?" I asked hoping to sound unshaken. Akihiko shook his head. "It's always the same with him. He wants to get to see you romantically." Akihiko answered before taking a bite. I nodded to indicate I got it. "I want to make a appointment with the doctor." I said between bites of food. Akihiko nodded. "I'll contact doctor Endo, see if she has time." Akihiko said then finished his food. I also finished the food and started cleaning as Usagi-san walked to his workroom. I didn't think he was going to work but with Akihiko you never know. After a while Akihiko came back down. I was almost finished with mopping the kitchen when he tried to enter. I pulled him back. "Wait till it's dry or else I have done it for nothing." I said then kissed his cheek. Akihiko smiled at my gesture and pulled me in closer. "I have set an appointment for later this afternoon so we can talk about our options." he said. I smiled and hugged him.

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