Chapter 15

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Misaki's POV

It had been a couple weeks since I started working again. I never got a new author because they knew I couldn't stay long anyway. Right now I was reading manuscripts and would let Levi know when I found one that looked promising. Until know I only found two that were worth a shot and both of them were now on sale in several book stores across the city. Today has been ruff since I can't walk around easily anymore. I am almost eight and a half months pregnant so my baby bump has been getting in the way. "Misaki, hey how are you doing?" My coworker asked walking over to me with a cup off coffee. "I'm doing alright." I answered hoping he would just hand me the coffee and go but off course he didn't. After he took a seat beside me he turned to me demanding my full attention. "Misaki, I think I speak for all of us when I say you don't look really good. I mean you have a pale constitution and obviously there is something wrong if you got such a stomach." He said pointing to my baby bump. I wanted to yell at him but nobody knew about my pregnancy except Levi, Eren, Erwin and maybe Aikawa but about the last one I was not sure. "It's nothing major." I said looking back to the manuscript in my hands. My coworker huffed and then leaned towards me. "Misaki I don't know what it is that keeps the manager away from you but it's not fair. All we ever do is make him mad but you can do whatever you like and never get scolded. Are you a thing?" he asked mockingly. I quickly shook my head and faced him again. "I don't even know mister Ackerman that well." I answered. "Oh come on Misaki everyone knows you two have been talking a lot to each other so don't play innocent with me. Come on spill it does he fuck you into tomorrow. Is that why you can't do anything wrong?" My coworker was slowly raising his voice and getting the attention of the whole department. "Please stop. It's not true. I don't have any kind of relationship with him." I almost pleaded but my coworker just laughed. "Off course you don't. Well have fun while I tell the whole office about your slutty body. Even though you are sick you still find energy to do that but never once help your coworkers finish early." He said. I stood from my chair glaring at him. "I will not tolerate you calling me names and mocking me." I said a little angry. "Oh what's the matter are you getting angry little Misaki." I wanted to punch this man in the face but quickly turned around and walked to the elevator. "You go to your lover to complain we all know you do it together." He called after me. I didn't turn around to answer him. His words had hurt me more than I wanted to admit. I waddled over to the elevator and waited until the doors would open. When they did I quickly walked in and pressed the button for the top floor. It was a short ride and I tried to compose myself before I would hand Levi my next manuscript. I didn't want to break down in front of them but the hurtful words kept going around in my head. I walked up to the secretary but she was busy with the telephone. I decided right there that I wanted to go home so I called Usagi-san. "Akihiko can you come pick me up?" I asked. "Huh are you done already? I just dropped you off a couple hours ago?" He said. I felt my eyes tear up. taking a deep breath I tried to keep them in. "I just don't feel well." I said letting the air escape my lungs. "Alright I will finish this interview and than come get you." He said ready to hang up. "" I said. "Misaki are you alright?" I heard him ask. I so hoped he didn't hear. "Yes. I'm at Levi's office so come and get me there please." I rushed and before he could answer back I hung up on him. I turned back to the secretary but he was still on the phone. "Excuse me I need to give this to mister Ackerman." I said quietly. They secretary placed his hand over the phone glaring at me. "Mister Ackerman is busy with a new author. Please wait over there." The secretary said returning to his phone call that didn't seem to be work related. Just when I wanted to say something else I heard someone call my name. I turned around to face the person happy to see it was Eren. "Hey Misaki." he said walking closer. "What's wrong?" He than asked when he got no reply from me. I just shook my head blinking my eye and biting my lip. Everything to keep me from crying. Eren seemed to catch on as he turned to the secretary. "Hey stop making personal calls when you are working and call captain Ackerman to let him know Misaki is here for him." Eren said hanging up the phone so the secretary stopped talking. He glared at me but then did as Eren said. After he talked with Levi he turned back to us. "Mister Ackerman will be with you in five more minutes just wait a bit." the secretary said. Eren turned around to look at me seeing I couldn't keep from crying much longer. One single tear was already dripping from my eye. "I don't have five minutes. Just call him and tell him I need to talk with him." Eren said again. The secretary sighed but did as told. "Mister Ackerman I have Eren on line two for you." He said then waited before handing the phone to Eren. "Levi hurry up with your business because Misaki needs you right now." was what Eren said. He listened to the response. "Yes and we don't have five minutes so..." Eren let his voice trail off as he listened. Then he nodded his head and looked back at me. "Alright see you in a bit." Eren finished the call and handed the phone back to the secretary. Before I could even say anything the door opened and Levi guided some guy out the door. Then when he looked up at me he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. "Misaki what happened?" he asked in his cold tone. I started crying telling them everything that just happened. "It's going to be alright Misaki." Eren said putting an arm around my shoulders and comforting me. Levi walked over to the water machine and got me a cup. "Here drink this and calm down. I can't imagine this being good for the baby." He said. I nodded and took a sip from the water. "Alright now that you have calmed down. Did you call Usami-sensei?" He asked and before I could answer the door opened and Akihiko walked in. "I'm sorry Mister Ackerman I couldn't stop him." the secretary said. "It's alright, leave and close the door." Levi said turning his attention back to me and Akihiko. Usagi-san wrapped me in his arms and rocked me slightly as I cried again. "It seems his coworkers think he is banging my husband." Eren said straight to the point. "What, why would they think that?" Akihiko asked. Both Levi and Eren shrugged their shoulders. "We don't know. But what I do know is you need to go public if you want to get some rest. I mean everyone respects Usami-san so that should do the trick. Oh and Misaki you can work from home starting tomorrow." Levi said keeping his bored look on. "What about his sick days?" Akihiko asked. "It's all taken care of. He won't be bothered by it. Just make sure he gets plenty of rest at home and doesn't overwork himself." Levi said. I had calmed down enough to look up at Levi. "Thank you sir. I don't know to thank you." I said wiping my face. "That's okay. But if the labor starts give us a call so we can come over." Eren said before Levi could even speak. I smiled and nodded at his kind words. "It won't be long now." I said rubbing my baby bump. "Alright now get out of my office all of you before I fire all your asses." Levi yelled making me jump but Eren and Akihiko smile. "I will keep you posted Levi." Akihiko said pulling me into his arms and guiding me to the exit. "Misaki could I come over tonight just to talk and drink some coffee?" Eren asked suddenly. I nodded but Levi grabbed his shirt and pulled him down. "What? You want to go drink coffee with some other guy." Levi said. Eren smiled and then quickly kissed Levi's lips making the older loose his grip. "Yes and now I'm off doing my work." Eren said walking to the door. "I love you Levi." He said just before exiting the room. I watched him go and then Akihiko also said his goodbye and took me home. After a nice dinner and a relaxing bath Eren came over and we talked for a while. It was a great evening that made me forget all the awful things my coworker had said to me today. Later that evening when Eren left and I was reading in bed Akihiko joined me. "So are you happy?" He asked. I nodded my head, placing the book on the end table and cuddled up with Usagi-san. "Yes. I love you." I said closing my eyes. "I love you too." Was all I heard before I drifted of to sleep. 

Alright everyone just one more chapter to go and than this book will be finished. It has taken me a lot of effort but it's worth it in the end. Please vote and comment, let me know what you think. 


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