chapter 3 part 2

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We were walking into the clinic for my doctors appointment. Akihiko walked to the counter and checked us in. I was a little nervous for what the doctor was going to say. I mean I was supposed to get back here and let the uterus removed but after I stopped taking the hormones I didn't feel anything weird or experienced pain so it was okay. Akihiko guided me over to the waiting room and we sat down. Waiting has never been the best for me and now I was really nervous. Oh well nothing to do about it now. I thought as I tried to get comfortable in the plastic chairs. After what felt like an eternity but was really just twenty minutes the doctor called me in. I got up but then turned to Akihiko. "Usagi-san please let me go in alone at first. I have to ask something very embarrassing. When I want you inside I will get you alright." I asked. Akihiko looked at me with worry and uncertainties but when he saw my face he sighed and nodded. "I'll wait ten minutes then I'll come in whether you are ready or not." He said. I nodded and quickly walked into the room. I walked over to the desk and shook doctor Endo's hand. She smiled at me and then motioned for me to sit down. "So Misaki how are you dong? I talked to Usami-san and he said you wanted to start a family of your own?" she said looking at me. I nodded but didn't say anything waiting for her to start talking. "Okay, well let's just take some blood to see how you are doing." she said walking to the cabinet and getting the things she needed. After she gathered everything she came back over to me. "I take it you stopped taking the hormones?" I nodded again. "Have you been feeling any pain?" she asked. I shook my head. "No I have not. I stopped taking the hormones over six months again. At first it did hurt a bit but after a couple days it disappeared and now I only feel pain once in a while." I explained looking away as the doctor got some blood. "What is once in a while?" she asked. I thought about that one. "Just sometimes but mostly I don't feel pain. "Okay well I think it's a bit weird but for now we should see how your hormone levels are holding up." The doctor said turning around and scribbling something on a piece of paper. Then she got up and handed the tube to a nurse who took it away. "Alright. First of the pain you felt in those few days how bad was it?"
"I don't know, like a really bad stomachache only lower."
"Any other symptoms?"
"Not really, I just..." I stopped myself feeling really embarrassed. "You just?" Doctor Endo inquired. "I have been losing blood. I don't know where it came from and it only one day a month." I explained myself. Doctor Endo raised a brow and then hummed. " Alright, for now we just need to wait fr the results." she said. "Can I ask one more question before Akihiko comes in?" I asked. She nodded leaning closer on her desk. "I want to know, if it's possible and I can carry another child what are the chances of it's survival?" I asked. Doctor Endo looked taken aback with my question but she recovered quickly. "Well seeing as you already gave birth to a healthy twin boys I would say it is quite possible for you to carry again. But I need to tell you that you can't have a child with only you and Usami-san's DNA. You need an female eggcel to create a baby and it will be just as dangerous as the first time." she said, just then the door opens and Akihiko walked in. "Times up, hope you asked what you wanted to ask?" he said sitting down beside me. I nodded and looked back at the doctor. "So how long before the test results come back?" I asked
"It shouldn't be long now." the doctor said. She turned to the computer but just as she wanted to start typing a knock sounded at the door. She quickly got up and went to open the door. She was handed some documents. I waited impatiently as she exchanged some words with the nurse and then she closed the door walking over to us. She opened the folder and started reading. Looked at her face as it changed from neutral to surprised to intrigued and then I couldn't take it anymore. "Well, is everything alright?" I asked. The doctor smiled at me. "Everything is even better than alright. It seems your body has accepted the uterus as something of your own. It doesn't seem to have rejected it. What's even better is your hormone levels are stable and the best news I can give you is you have eggs." she screamed the last part. I was totally speechless and just stared at her as she babbled to herself as she scribbled some things done n a note pad. Then she turned to Akihiko. "Are you healthy?" she asked him. Akihiko seemed to be in just as much shock as I was but he nodded non the less. "Do you know if you are fertile?" She asked excitedly. "I think I am. Actually I'm not really sure as I never tried to conceive a child before." he answered getting back his cool. The doctor nodded and got to the next page in the folder. Her hand flew t her mouth as she read the page. "Well I can give you an answer to that question right now. So that is what she meant with another test." the doctor started to scribble again. I was lost and couldn't follow her anymore. "Uhm, sorry for asking but what is going on. Why are you so excited all of a sudden?" I asked looking from her to Akihiko and back. "Usagi-san, do you know what she is on about?" I asked. Akihiko looked at my face then smiled a little to calm me down. "I think I have a suspicion." he said. I wanted to ask what he meant but then doctor Endo handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it. It seemed some kind of test sheet. I skimmed over it seeing every test negative except one. I read it over three times before looking back up at the doctor. "Is this true?" I asked. The doctor smiled at me and then nodded. I dropped the paper and placed my hands against my stomach. As I was preoccupied Akihiko took the paper from the floor and read it himself. He froze in his chair for a moment before he turned to me. I was crying by now. "Misaki, what's wrong? Are you in pain?" Akihiko asked panicked. I shook my head and quickly hugged him. "I'm just so happy." I said. Akihiko sighed and hugged me back. "Seems like your wish came true after all, even sooner then we planned." Akihiko said as I cried into his chest. I could not form words at this moment so I just nodded. The doctor opened a drawer and pulled out some tissues. "I think some congratulations are in order here." she said handing the tissues to Akihiko. He gave one to me and a blew my nose finally calming down. "Well you two congratulations." the doctor said smiling brightly at us. I nodded and Akihiko smiled a little. "Okay so I want you to make a appointment for next week and we will talk further then. Please be careful on your way back and good luck." she said. I got up and followed Akihiko out the room. He made a new appointment and then guided me to the car. Once we were out of the clinic I stopped and looked up to the sky. "I can't believe it." I said making Akihiko stop and look back at me. "Well you wished for this no?" He asked. I nodded my head, then jumped on him screaming in pure ecstasy. "I'm pregnant Usagi-san. Can you believe it. I waited so long for this. I'm pregnant." I couldn't stopped saying it. Akihiko laughed as he held me. "Yes Misaki you're pregnant. Now shall we go home to celebrate?" he asked. I nodded then skipped over to the car. I am so happy I can't describe it.

I am so so so sorry for not updating in a while. My life has been hell for the past few weeks. I made this chapter a lot longer to make up for it though. I hope you all enjoy it. Please let me know what you think.


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