Chapter eight.

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After the checkup a couple days ago we decided it was time to tell Takahiro and his wife the big news. I invited them over for dinner this evening and now I was cooking a feast. "Usagi-san, what time will Ni-chan be coming here?" I asked Akihiko who sat on one of the couches in the living room. He looked up at me and then took a look at his watch. "They should be arriving within the hour." he answered looking back at his notebook which he used to take notes for the new novels he was writing. "Okay than could you please set the table?" I asked him. Akihiko sighed but then nodded and got up from the couch. I turned back to the stove and continued sturing the soup. When the food was almost ready the doorbell rung. "What? They seem early." I said as Akihiko got up to get the door. I was wearing a hoodie and some sweatpants so my belly wouldn't show. "Takahiro, Manami please come in." Akihiko said stepping aside. "Hello Akihiko, what a pleasure to be here again." Manami said walking in and to the living room. I waited for them with fresh tea. As they sat down I handed them the tea and also a little cookie I had made earlier. "So Misaki how have you been? Is work going good?" Takahiro asked as he took the tea and than took a sip. "I have been fine. Work is tiring but satisfying." I answered as I also sad down. "We have been waiting for you to call us. I mean it has been to long since we saw you." Takahiro said placing his cup back down. "I know, but I have been so busy lately."
"That doesn't mean you have no time to see your family. I mean you didn't even come to see the twins. I know it must be hard to see them with us but still they are also you nephews." Takahiro said accusingly. "Takahiro, could you please not try and give Misaki a guilty feeling. I know you mean well but that is not the way to go." Akihiko said moving closer to me and wrapping a arm around my shoulder. I turned slightly to Akihiko to hide my face against his chest. He had probably seen the tears starting to form in my eyes. "For now we should probably just eat and have a good time." Manami said breaking the tension in the room. I quickly nodded and walked to the kitchen. when everyone was seated at the table I served dinner. I was slightly scared about the reaction my brother had when talking to me about the twins. He should know how difficult it is. Right now I couldn't get the food down my throat so I placed my spoon down and just listened to the conversation my brother was having with Akihiko and Manami about his new book. Suddenly my brother turned to me. "Misaki are you not feeling well. You haven't touched your food in a while." He said. I cursed in my head. Why must he be so observant today. "It's fine Ni-chan. I just... I'm not that hungry." I said smiling at them. Manami quickly looked me up and down and then started to smile. "Alright Misaki, just make sure you take good care of yourself."
"Takahiro dear, don't bother your brother. You are not his guardian anymore, besides he is a grown man who knows what he is doing." Manami cut him off and they resumed eating. I exchanged a glance with Akihiko then I nodded. After a couple more minutes I took a deep breath before speaking. "Ni-chan, Nee-chan. You probably know I didn't invite you here today just for dinner. There is something I need to tell you and hope you are happy for me. As you both know Akihiko and I have been together for a really long time now and...."

"I knew it, you two are getting married." Manami almost squealed. I shook my head making her frown and sit back down quietly. "No, that's not what I wanted to tell you. Well we both decided we wanted.... well let's just say....uhm....well."
"Misaki just spit it out already." Takahiro said.
"I'm pregnant." I yelled then quickly looking over at my brother. His face was blank like he hadn't heard me. But then his face contorted with anger and he got up and walking over to me. He raised his hand and tried to hit me. Manami and Akihiko both sprang to action. Akihiko pulled me against his chest and Manami grabbed her husbands hand and glared at him angrily.
"What the hell are you doing Takahiro." she yelled as she let go of his arm and crossed her own over her chest standing in front of me. Akihiko looked at Manami with shock, just like me. Never thought she would stand up to my brother like this. "Well, tell me what you planned to do. Did you want to hurt Misaki? Because that was what you were going to do. Have you lost your mind?" Manami shouted. Takahiro seemed to snap out of it as he fell to his knees mumbling apologies. Manami then turned back to me seeing my tear stained cheeks. She stepped closer to me but Akihiko did a step back pulling me with him. "Akihiko it's okay, I'll never hurt him." she said doing another step closer only this time Akihiko stayed put. Manami stretched her arms out in motion of a hug. I looked her in the eyes and then leaped at her crying in her chest. "I'm sorry for your brother Misaki. He has no right to react like that. I think he wasn't thinking because he still sees you as the baby brother. Calm down, it's not good for the baby to get so worked up." she said hugging me and rubbing gentle circles down my back. I let all the anger, disappointment and stress out at that moment. I didn't even care Akihiko would be jealous, I just wanted someone to understand me. Manami guided me towards the couch. "Akihiko make sure my husband stays put. I'm not done with him yet." she said as we passed him. Akihiko crossed his arms and glared down at his best friend. I kept crying until I couldn't cry any more. "Misaki how far along are you?" she asked me when I calmed down again.  
"I'm twenty weeks along." I answered not looking at her.

"What you are so far along already. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" she asked but as soon as she did she hit her fore head with her hand. "Sorry off course I get it. Well don't worry about your brother I know he is happy for you, he just need to get used to the idea of you being pregnant again. Why don't we get back there to see how the others are holding up?" she asked. I shook my head, I wasn't ready to face my brother again. Manami nodded and got up. "Okay than I will get Akihiko. Don't worry we are not going anywhere before your brother makes up with you." she said then she walked over to the kitchen. I heard her talk to Akihiko but couldn't make out what she said. Then I saw Akihiko walking up to me and before he could even say something I was in his arms crying again. Akihiko sighed and wrapped his arms around my small body. "Ssssh, it's all okay Misaki. Takahiro didn't really mean what he did, he was just surprised and angry at us. Just calm down." he said rubbing circles in my back until I calmed down. When he looked down later he noticed I had fallen asleep in his arms. 

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