Chapter five

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Misaki's POV

I was walking down the stairs still thinking about the nightmare I had just minutes ago. After that horrible scene had played inside my head everything that happened with the twins came back to me. Doctor Endo had already told me that I couldn't do that again because that was really bad for my body even though I had recovered splendidly the doctor almost forbid me from giving birth naturally ever again. I laughed to myself as I pulled out the ingredients for dinner. As if she could forbid me anything hahaha don't make me laugh. It's my body so I'll decide what I'm going to do. I started making diner being extra careful with cutting the vegetables so as not to hurt myself or our baby. I let my thought run freely while making diner. I make some spaghetti even though I didn't like it all that much I just really wanted it now. I pulled out the dishes and placed them on the table. Then I got back to the kitchen to make the salade. After putting it in a bowl I turned around to put it on the table but when I turned I froze in place. The bowl slipped from my fingers and fell to the floor making a clattering sound. There in front of me stood Haruhiko. "Hey Misaki, how have you been?" He asked acting as if nothing happened between us. "I really wanted to see you but every time I got close to you, you somehow slipped away. Do you not want to see me Misaki?" he asked walking closer to me. I felt myself tremble and tried to get my legs to move but they were frozen to the floor like every time I see him. "Ah don't look like that Misaki. I know you also want me but my stupid brother makes it difficult for you right?" Haruhiko said still advancing towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder making me flinch away from him. "P-please...don't." I managed to say. "Huh, please don't what. I don't know what you mean if you don't speak to me Misaki." He said pulling me closer to him. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away. "Please let go of me. I don't like you." I said raising my voice a bit. Haruhiko stopped and looked at me, his eyes seemed to light up with anger. He let me go but then suddenly he slapped my face. "What the hell has my brother that I have not? I have more money than him, have a bigger house and I know I love you much more than that bastard." Haruhiko said, voice full of anger. I cupped my sore cheek and started crying. "Oh no you don't. You don't deserve to cry now. Not after you made me hit you. It is all your own fault you liar." Haruhiko tried to punch me but I quickly stepped back making him almost loose his balance. I tried to get out of the kitchen but he grabbed my wrist pulling me back. He threw me against the counter and I fell to the ground. I shielded my stomach as I lay there curled up hoping he wouldn't hurt me further. "What the hell are you doing?!!" I heard Akihiko yell before he raced over to me. He gently helped me sit up and looked me over. My cheek still stung but the most pain came from my back which hit the counter rather hard. "Misaki?" Akihiko said cupping my cheek. I flinched in pain and backed up a bit. This seemed to make Akihiko snap. He turned around and was on his brother before I could blink my eyes. He hit his brother and tackled him to the floor. Haruhiko just laughed and spit in his face. "What now brother. If he doesn't listen you have to discipline him or else he thinks that he can do what he wants. I only helped you for a bit." Haruhiko said. Akihiko clenched his fist and was ready to punch his brother in the face but I quickly grabbed his arm. "Usagi-san don't!!!" I yelled pulling him back. Akihiko looked back at me. I was crying again but refused to let him go. "Please don't hurt him, he isn't worth it. Just get him out of here." I said then I let him go to hold my still painful cheek and back. I think seeing me like that calmed him down enough so he could think again. Akihiko got up grabbed his brother by the neck and dragged him out of the apartment. "I am going to press charges at you. Misaki is hurt because of you. For that I will never forgive you. You have finally crossed the line with this. I already told you to leave us alone." Akihiko said throwing his brother into the hallway. "Well I don't see myself getting behind bars right now. Remember I still have dad behind me."
"Well I couldn't care less about dad or you. I have said it before but you will regret hurting MY Misaki like this. Now get out of here before I really hurt you." Akihiko said starting the close the door. "Don't think you can keep him safe Akihiko. I will find a way to get him from you if he wants or not." Haruhiko said then he turned and walked to the elevator. Akihiko closed the door with a slam and then took a deep breath. I was looking at him from the end of the hallway not to far from the door. I heard everything they said and it scared me. Akihiko turned around and jumped when he saw me. "Misaki? Are you alright? Where does it hurt?" he asked walking over to me looking for injuries. "I'm alright. He didn't hurt me to bad." I said looking at my hands resting on my stomach. Akihiko pulled me in a gentle hug and I broke down again. My body shook with the sobs and my crying. "Shh, it's alright Misaki. I won't let him touch you ever again." he said. I just grabbed his shirt and clung to it. All my strength left me and I would have fallen to the ground were it not for Akihiko's arms around me. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry it's all my fault. I should have called out to you than he.-" Akihiko cut me of with a kiss. "Shh. Don't do this to yourself. You did nothing wrong it was all his fault." Akihiko said hugging me a little closer. I groaned when he pressed into my back making him back away immediately. "No." I said pulling him back. I was never so cuddly but right now I just needed him to hold me. "I'm fine. Just hold me a little longer." I said. Akihiko looked me in the eye searching for any sigh of pain. "Are you sure. I mean I just hurt you."
"Yes I'm sure and no you didn't hurt me that was your brother. That reminds me I need to call the police." I said snuggling up to his warm chest.
"Yeah you are right. I don't want him to hurt you again. Let me just get the phone." Akihiko said trying to get up. I clung to his arm. "No don't go yet, please just a little longer." I begged him. Akihiko seemed to think about it but then sighed and let me cuddle with him some more. "How far was diner?" he suddenly asked. I jolted up and ran back to the kitchen. I looked on the stove and was relieved to see I was already finished and had turned the burners off. Akihiko followed after me and leaned against the door post laughing lightly. "Let's eat before everything is cold, then we can call the police." Akihiko said. I nodded, then brought the food to the table. Diner was silent and after we called the police we went straight to bed. Akihiko cuddled up to me caressing my belly making sure I was comfortable to fall asleep. 'I could get used to Akihiko being so kind to me'. I thought before drifting of to sleep. 

Yeah so this chapter wrote itself. I know I have just uploaded the previous chapter but I was on a roll and now this one is also ready. Let me know what you think. I want at least one comment before I will continue writing the next chapter.  

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