Chapter six

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It has been a couple weeks since the incident with Haruhiko. Usagi-san has been really kind to me and didn't even try to do anything to me. It's strange that he is acting like this. I mean normally he would be all 'I'm out of Misaki' but now he rarely came out of his work room. Only when I called him down to eat , he even didn't come to sleep with me. Honestly I started to miss him. Haha never thought I would say something like that. When I was pregnant with the twins I never felt fhe need to cuddls but so.etimes I feel so lonely. I was was just finished with cleaning the kitchen when I heard the doorbel rang. I walked over and looked at the littls screen beside the door to see who it was. Aikawa-san was standing in front of the door. 'What was she doing here?' I thought as I opened the door for her. "Hey Misaki how are you doing?" she asked. I smiled at her opening the door further for her. "I'm fine." I answered as she walked in. We decided to tell my brother the news first and then we would make it public. So for now I would pretent there was nothing wrong with me. "So what brings you here?" I asked following her to the living room. She sat down before answering. "I came to see what Usami-san has been up to since he doesn't seem interested in any new projects."
"How do you mean? Doesn't he have a new project already. I mean he has been cooped up in his work room for the last couple weeks. The only time when he comes out is to eat." I said looking at her questionably. She looked at me with wonder. "I don't know which project it can be. As far as I know he didn't have any work." I shrugged my shoulders walking over to the kitchen. "I don't know either. Would you like some tea or something?" I asked. Aikawa shook her head. "No thank you, I'll go see what that good for nothing author is up to." she said making her way over to the stairs. I nodded and went ahead with cleaning the living room. When I was done I heard yelling from upstairs and I decided to go take a look. "Usagi-san? Is everything alright? Do you want anything?" I asked through the door. There was no answer as everything was quiet. I knocked on the door. Suddenly I heard rustling and some thumping noises before the door opened. Akihiko was sitting at his desk as Aikawa opened the door. "Oh Misaki, what did you want?" she asked. I smiled at her. "Well to be honest I heard some yelling and thought I should check up on him." I answered truthfully. "Oh don't you worry Misaki everything is alright. We were just talking about his work and you know how Usami-sensei can be." She said laughing nervously. I decided to let it slide for now. I nodded and turned around walking to the stairs. Then I remembered something and looked over my shoulder. "Usami-san please come down to drink some coffee with me. I want to talk with you about something." I said. Akihiko also looked over his shoulder as I talked to him. I saw he rolled his eyes which made my heart clench painfully. I quickly turned back to the stairs hoping he didn't see my tears. unfortunately he did notice and he was beside me in an instant. "Misaki are you alright? What's wrong?" he asked stepping in front of me. I nodded already wiping my eyes. "Misaki are you crying?" Aikawa asked worried. "I'm fine just something in my eye." I said. Usagi-san looked in my eyes then he turned to Aikawa. "We are finished for today so you should leave for now." he said. Aikawa got the hint and quickly gathered her stuff and left. After she was gone Akihiko wrapped me in a hug. "So Misaki tell me what's wrong."  he all but demanded. "I just...I'm...What I mean is....I'm lonely." I said as I started crying. I sobbed into his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. "What do you mean lonely. I'm always here and not going out or anything." Akihiko said. "That's not...what I mean. You are not paying any attention to me at all. I miss you at night and you never come out of your room except to eat." I said crying harder. Akihiko rocked me in his arms as he stroked my hair. "I'm sorry Misaki. I didn't notice I was neglecting you. What do you say we go out tomorrow. Just you and me." Akihiko said trying to sooth me. "I don't want to go out. I just want to cuddle with you and sleep with you at night." I answered pulling back from the hug and wiping my eyes. Akihiko seemed taken aback by my response but then he quickly lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom. I squealed in surprise wrapping my arms around his neck to keep me from falling. Akihiko gently placed me on the bed and crawled in beside me. I turned toward him and he hugged me. "Let's cuddle for the rest of the night. Just to make it up to you." Akihiko said. I was so happy I cried again. "Usagi-san I love you. I really do." I said. Akihiko kissed me gently and deeply taking my breath away. I leaned my head on his chest feeling content until I drifted of to sleep.

Sorry this chapter is so short but I already told you this was just going to be a filler. Still I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think. 

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