Chapter 13

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Misaki's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. I felt rested for the first time in a long time. I looked up at the ceiling and then noticed I was not in my bedroom. "Where am I?" I asked quietly. "Ahh Chibi-chan you are awake. That is wonderful. Could you please get these two to stop fighting?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw I was in Isaka-san's office. "What? Who is fighting?" I asked looking around. That is when I noticed two people in the adjoining room. They seemed to be in a heated conversation. "Misaki is going to  follow the rules just like anyone else. Just because he has a health condition doesn't mean he can just come and go as he pleases." I recognized the voice as Erwin. "I get that but just listen to me. I just need for Misaki to be alright and that means he has to leave work early. Besides that if you took a look at his work record you would see he has more authors to manage than any one of his collegues which proves he works harder." That was Usagi-san. I got up off the couch and stumbled over to the other room. Isaka-san supported me when I almost fell and he  guided me over to the last unused chair which was his own chair. "It's quite alright Isaka-san. I don't need to use your chair." I said but Isaka-san just pushed me in it and than turned his attention back on the two man in front of him. "Alright, that's enough out of you two. I know I don't have any say in the matter since I am only a general manager but could you please just be quiet?" Isaka-san said crossing his arms and looking at Erwin and than at Usagi-san. "Fine let's ask Misaki what he thinks of this?" Usagi-san said. I looked at his in quiestion but he just looked at Erwin. I then turned my gaze on Erwin too not able to keep my curiousity under control. "Misaki as you know there has been quite a few changes around this firm. Now I decided that you will be mister Usami's new editor." Erwin said. I just looked at him processing the words in my head than when it clicked I jolted out of the chair. "What?" I yelled raising my voice. "It is a great honor to be working with the best novelist in Japan. I mean you must know of his work since you work at this firm." Erwin said. "But...." I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt a little light headed. Placing my hand on my head and the other on the top of the desk for support I looked at Akihiko. "I don't thi..." was all I could say before my les swayed and I fell to the earth.

"Misaki....Misaki, please wake up. Misaki can you hear me?" I heard someone call for me. Slowly opening my eyes I stared right into the face of a worried Usagi-san. "Akihiko? What happened? Where am I?" I asked slowly sitting up with his help. "You fainted while talking with your new boss." Usagi-san said pointing over his shoulder. "Misaki what is this medical condition you have." I heard him suddenly ask. I looked up at Erwin but then shook my head. "I can't tell you." I said. Akihiko helped me get to my feet and supported me. "I'm sorry mister Smith but I think all this change got to me. I just would like to know why I can't work with my other authors anymore?" I asked feeling more brave now that Usagi-san was here. "The employè's were far to friendly with all the authors so I decided to switch so they could work more effeciently." Someone answered before Erwin had a change to. "Who are you?" Akihiko asked turning to the door. "My Name is Levi Ackerman. It's nice to finally meet the one who has been sick all this time." Levi said walking over to me. I quickly let go of Akihiko and bowed to him before holding my hand out for him to shake. Levi just looked at it and then turned around. "Your new author will be decided in the next few days. Please go home and rest until I call for you. I know you are not well so you can rest a bit longer but when I call you, you better be ready to work your ass of." Levi said without looking back. Then he walked d out the room, leaving us in an akward silence. Isaka--san cleared his throat snapping us all out of it. "Well you heard your captain. Go home and rest we will talk about your medical condition another time." Erwin said also leaving the room. When he closed the door behind him I sighed and leaned into Akihiko. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my neck. "Usagi-san not in front of  Isaka-san." I said embarrassed.  Isaka-san just laughed and waved us off. Akihiko helped me into his car and then we were of back to our apartment. "Do you think I should tell Levi and Erwin about the baby?" I asked Uasgi-san. "Might as well. You also need to talk about me being your writer. I know you don't want to be so that isn't going to work besides if you are my editor than I can't use you as inspiration." Akihiko said parking the car. I sighed and nodded. "Yes I know, let's just hope Levi is reasonable." I said before exiting the car.

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