Chapter seven

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Today was the day of my twenty week sonogram and I was nervous as hell. I wanted to see my baby already and today is also the day we could find out about the gender. 

"Usagi-San hurry up. I don't want to be late for our appointment." I yelled as I walked down the stairs heading to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of milk. I turned around and also grabbed my vitamine pills. Popping them in my mouth and downing them with the milk. 

"Misaki don't take your pills with milk you know that isn't healthy." Akihiko said walking towards me. I sighed and put my glass down. "Usagi-san you know I normally don't do that so don't make a big deal of it. Let's just to the clinic already."

"Misaki you are forgetting something. You know we don't have to go to the clinic anymore. I made sure all the equipment is here for today. Just get to your old room." Akihiko said. I turned in surprise at his words. When did that happen all of a sudden. I never noticed that my room had been used for that. "Please tell me you were there when they placed all the equipment?" I said looking at Usagi-san. He just shrugged his shoulders and turned around. "I let the moving people inside, what they did after that is not my concern." Akihiko said walking up the stairs. I followed him as quickly as I could with my growing belly in front of me. Just as I turned left at the top of the stairs the doorbell rung. I sighed and turned back around but before I could get down Akihiko already did. I decided to get to my old room and see what they did in there. As I opened the door I expected the worst but the room had been cleared out except the bed and the medical equipment off course. They all stood neatly lined against the wall so I sat down in relief. I tried to get comfortable but it didn't really work so when Akihiko and the doctor came into the room I was still turning in bed. "Hello Misaki, how have you been?" the doctor asked looking at me. "Well I have been doing fine, just a bit nervous as I don't know the gender of the baby." 

"Alright. Well let's get this check up underway. First I want to measure your weight and height again and then we will do the ultrasound." the doctor gave me a reassuring smile as she walked over to the scale. I followed her and stepped onto the scale. The doctor clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Misaki you are to skinny. I thought you had learned with the twins but you need to eat a bit more. I know it is difficult for you to gain some weight as you are a really active guy but still try to eat more fish." 

"Alright, what about my height. Did anything change?" I asked her a little dejected about her earlier comment. "No that is just fine. Now let's get you the ultrasound." the doctor said. I followed her over to the bed again. Sitting down on the edge Akihiko sat down beside me. I smiled up at him and then laid down with his help. I could still do any of that alone but he insisted he needed to help me. The doctor started the machine and did the ultrasound. "Do you want to know the gender?" she asked looking from Usagi-san to me. "Yes I want to know but only we can know. So you can't report it just yet." I answered. the doctor nodded then went searching for the gender. After a while she sighed. "Well it seems this baby doesn't want us to know just yet. It keeps turning so I can't see it." Dr. Endo said looking apologetically. I shook my head. "I get that it is sometimes difficult to find out." I said before I saw her face lit up. "that's it now I know." she exclaimed. I just stared at her a question in my eye. "I know the gender now." the doctor said pulling the transducer away and giving me a napkin to wipe my stomach. "Well spit it out." Akihiko almost growled. I smiled at his behavior seeing he was just as nervous as I am. "The baby is a ...."

That will be all for now. I'm sorry for not updating but my life has been a bit busy and I had a little bit of writers block so. Hope you still enjoyed the chapter. I haven't made my decision yet about the gender of the baby so it will be a surprise for a bit longer. 


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