Chapter 10

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Misaki's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling really hot. As I opened my eyes I was greeted with the sight of Usagi-san laying on my chest and hugging my waist. It felt nice to be loved by him and also to know that he loved our child. I gently stroked his head as I thought back at the things happening last night. Did Ni-chan stay or did he go home? I didn't know since I had fallen asleep and didn't see what happened later last night. Slowly I made my way out of Usagi-san's hold to go to the bathroom. Turning on the water to take a shower I quickly got undressed and stepped into the hot water. It felt so good on my sore muscles it was relaxing. I quickly washed my hair and then my body afterwards I staid in the shower for a while longer until suddenly the door was opened. "Misaki are you almost done in there. I would like to take a shower to." My brother called walking over to the shower. I quickly turned the water of and grabbed a towel to hide my body from him. I know it's just ni-chan but I just didn't want him to see my swollen belly and plump chest. Even when I was pregnant with their twins I wouldn't let him see me only my belly. "I'm done already just get out until I'm dressed would you?" I said embarrassed. Takahiro chuckled and then turned around. "Why would you be so shy toward me. I mean I have seen your body more than once when you were younger." he said stripping his shirt of to show he wasn't near as embarrassed as I was. "Oh for gods sake, there is nothing wrong with some privacy." I said then pulled the towel closer around myself and walked out of the bathroom. I was so mad at my brother that I didn't notice Manami walking towards me. "Oh Misaki I didn't expect to see you awake already. Akihiko is still asleep isn't he?" she asked. I jumped at her voice and my towel slipped from my grasp. Manami quickly turned around as I tried to cover myself back up but couldn't seem to reach the towel on the ground. "Manami I'm sorry I can't...." I didn't need to say more as she already bend down and handed me the towel still her back was turned to me. I pulled it around me again and then she turned back to me. "Alright, like I was saying, Akihiko isn't awake yet is he?"
"Not that I know of no. Last I saw him he was still asleep and we better let him wake up on his own. Usagi-san is a demon when he first wakes up." I said but just as I finished the front door was being thrown open and Aikawa came marching into the house. I scrambled to my bedroom before she could see me. I mean it's already bad enough my sister in law saw me like this so Akihiko's editor didn't need to see anything. I closed the door and walked over to the closet. I didn't notice that Akihiko had woken up and was watching me until he spoke. "That's a nice view Misaki maybe you should stay that way." I turned around and threw my towel at him, hitting him square in the face. Akihiko laughed as I finished dressing and then I opened the door to a smiling Aikawa. I was so glad I had put on some loose fitting clothes as she didn't know I was pregnant in fact nobody knows except me, Usagi, my brother and sister in law now. I quickly let her in and went downstairs to the kitchen but when I entered Manami was already cooking breakfast and wouldn't let me help. "No Misaki please just get some rest and let me handle breakfast for a change." she said pushing me to the living room. I sighed knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer and made myself comfortable on the couch. After a couple minutes of just sitting there I got bored and went over to the kitchen again. "Manami I would like to make a cup of tea." I said already putting water in the kettle. "Oh fine but you won't get to help with anything else." she said waving her spoon angry at me. I chuckled and waited until the water boiled and made myself a cup of herbal tea to help calm my stomach. I sat down at the table and waited until breakfast was ready. "Hey Misaki why are you not cooking?" Takahiro asked as he saw me sitting at the table. "I would but Manami wouldn't let me help her." I answered looking up from my tea. Takahiro nodded and also sat down at the table opposite me. "Well, I guess that's fine." he said then he looked at his hands in his lap. "Misaki, I know I over reacted yesterday and I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" my brother asked. I looked at his questionably. "Huh, what do you mean." I asked still not knowing what he was talking about. "He is asking about the bruise on your face." I heard Akihiko say. I turned towards him and then felt my cheek. It didn't hurt unless I touched it but I didn't want to make my brother feel even more guilty so I smiled. "No it's fine, I don't even feel it." I said. "Oh is that so." Akihiko said poking the bruise. I flinched away from him. "Ha I thought you didn't even feel it. Make sure you put a ice pack on it after breakfast." Akihiko said to me then he sat down beside me. "And you should feel guilty. I know what you are capable of but hitting your own brother that is something I never expected not from you." Akihiko said glaring at my brother. It seems he is still mad at Ni-chan. "Usagi-san it's fine. I know he didn't mean to hurt me. He was just shocked that's all." I tried defending my brother. "Misaki even though he hit you, you are still defending him. Please don't take me wrong but Takahiro doesn't deserve to be forgiven so easily for this." he said cupping my cheek. I blushed at the gesture but still leaned into the touch. Akihiko leaned in and then kissed me gently. I was a little startled but then I melted into the kiss and kissed back. "Gah." Aikawa squealing at us made me pull away and look at her. "Oh you two are so adorable. But what happened?" she asked pointing to my cheek. I started blushing again. "It's nothing major just a quarrel between brothers." Takahiro said not looking up from his hands. I nodded my head and then a tense silence covered us. We stayed quiet until Manami broke it. "Well breakfast is ready, who would like some." she asked walking into the dining room. "Oh I only cooked food for four do you intent to stay? Should I go make some more?" Manami asked as she noticed Aikawa. "No that's quite alright. I'm going anyway have to get to work." Aikawa said turning to Akihiko. "Usami-sensei place have the manuscript ready on Friday this time." Akihiko grumbled something under his breath but that didn't seem te disturb Aikawa in the least. She just smiled and wished us a good day, then she was gone. I sighed and when Manami sat down we started eating. I was just glad everything seemed to go alright between me and my brother. Now I was worried about the friendship between Usagi-san and Ni-chan. I just hope he can forgive my brother, to be honest I wouldn't know what I would do if either disappeared from my life. 

Another long chapter. Unfortunately this is just a filler but necessary for the plot. I want them to be a happy family but who knows. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think.


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