Chapter 12

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"Misaki are you alright?" asked one of my coworkers when I entered the office. I looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay, don't worry. I'll work extra hard to make up for the lost work." I told him walking over to my desk. "That's alright but Misaki there is something you must know. Some things changed when you were out sick." he said following me to my desk. "Like what?" I asked curious. "Well first of all we are not allowed to keep our personal phone on us. We all got a work phone to use. Secondly we have a new manager and lastly, they changes all the assigned authors from us editors." He was quick with his explanation but I couldn't understand. "What do you mean with changed the authors?" I asked with hesitation. My coworker looked down almost ashamed, but then balled his hands to fists and looked back up. "It means we all got other authors to edit for. They switched everything up, nobody has the same writers to work with." He pointed at a board with papers. "There hangs a list of who got which author so I should check it out if I were you. Oh and one more thing, please don't make the manager mad because if you do he will punish everyone along with the wrong doer." I blink my eyes a couple times as I let his words sink in but by the time my mind grasped at the idea my coworker was already back on his desk typing a way on his laptop. 'That was really weird.' I thought placing my bag down and walking over to the board. As I searched for the list my coworkers come in one by one. I noticed they were different from when I left a few weeks ago. Shrugging it off I resumed searching, when I found it I looked for my name but didn't find it. "Huh, why isn't my name on here?" I asked myself. "You must be Misaki, am I right?" I jumped when I heard someone behind me. I turned around a hand on my heart to calm the rapid beating. "Yes I am..." I let my voice trail of as I looked up at the unfamiliar man in front of me. "I'm Erwin Smith (I'm so sorry. Couldn't resist since I am a HUGE ereri fan). the new owner of this fine publishing company." He said reaching a hand out for me to shake. I hesitated a bit but then took his hand. I winced as he shook it. "What do you mean by new owner. What does that mean for us?" I asked not understanding anything right now. "I have been looking for a good publishing company and when I stumbled upon this one I just wanted to have it. Don't worry there will be not much change for everyone here. I just brought a new CEO and one other employé." he said looking down at me. "Huh? What about Isaki-san?" I asked. "What about him?" 
"What is his job at the moment?" 
"That is not of your concern. I understand that you just came back from sick leave?" Erwin asked. "Yes I have been away for three weeks." 
"What did you have?" he asked. "I had a cold." I answered looking down at my shoes. "Alright well you are in luck Mister Takahashi because we have new rules from this day forward." Erwin said placing his hand on my shoulder and guiding me toward his office. "What new rules?" I asked looking up at him. "First I want everyone to be perfectly on time. If you are late there will be consequences. Secondly you can only be sick for seven days each quarter. Next-."
"What do you mean only seven days? If you get sick, you're sick nothing to do about that. And in a quarter what if you get sick easily?" I said getting a little worked up. "Well we strive to not get sick at all. But as I was saying. You probably already know about the rule about personal phones so come by my office to get your new work phone. And lastly I want my personal to be in tip top shape so you need to lose the beer belly in order to keep working here." Erwin said. I stopped walking and looked up at him. "What? Do you mean to tell me I'm fat?" I said as my eyes filled with tears. Erwin looked surprised and started to say something but I shook my head and turned around. "I'm going out for a bit." I said trying to hold the tears in. I grabbed my coat and walked to the door. After I opened it I came face to face with a chest. I looked up and saw a brunette with green eyes, beside him was a short man with black hair and piercing silver eyes. I didn't want to let them see me crying so I shoved them out of the way. "Hey what the hell was that brat." I heard someone call after me. I just kept walking out the building. When I got outside I pulled my phone from my pocket. I dialed Usagi's number with trembling hands. After the third ring Akihiko answered. "Misaki? What's wrong?" He asked. My breath hitched when I heard his groggy voice. I forgot how much like a demon he is when he first wakes up. "Usagi-san....They want to change me.... the office is... and."  I said in between sobs. "Misaki where are you?" 
"The park bench...just outside... office." I managed to get out. "Stay right there. I'll be over in five." he said as I heard him rustling with probably clothes. "Hurry." I said before he hang up the phone. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to calm down but my crying didn't stop. "Hey are you okay?" I heard someone ask. I nodded not even looking up. "Well you don't seem okay." Now I looked up to tell them to leave me alone but when I saw that face my voice death in my throat. "Hey what the hell did Erwin do to you?" the brunette from before asked. "Who are you?" I asked still crying. "My name is Eren Yeager. I'm the employé Erwin took with him from Germany together with the new CEO Levi Ackerman." he answered. "I'm sorry for pushing you." I said turning to him. "That is alright. I mean you seemed pretty upset about something and then Erwin told me to follow you and bring you back." Eren said. "Why did you even listen to him?" I asked honestly curious. "Well if the commander gives you an order you just don't ignore it." I laughed a bit. "Commander?"
"Yeah a nickname we gave him. Levi has one too we call him Captain." Eren said smiling. I looked up at him but didn't say anything. "So what were you talking about just before we came in?" Eren asked pulling me back to the things Erwin had said to me. My mood went down and I quickly wrapped my arms back around myself. "Misaki!!" I heard someone call. I looked up seeing Akihiko. "Usagi-san!" I cried full blown sobs again. I got up to quick and then my legs couldn't carry me but before I could even hit the ground Akihiko caught me. I cried into his chest. "Misaki please calm down. This is not good for...." Akihiko let his voice trail of. "Usagi-san there is a new owner." I said between sobs. Akihiko suddenly pulled me into his arms and sat me down in his lap as he sat down on the bench. "Misaki I don't understand. Isaka would never sell the company." Akihiko said. "That is were you are wrong. Well not technically but anyway." Akihiko quickly turned to Eren and send him a glare. "Why the hell are you..."
"Wait Akihiko. Eren is nice to me. Don't be mad at him." I said nuzzling into his chest and calming down. I shivered as the wind picked up. "Wait, did you say Akihiko? As in the Usami Akihiko?" Eren asked. Akihiko just nodded not letting his attention wander from me as he wrapped me up in his arms to hold me closer. "Whoa, I never imagined to meet you in person even though I now work in your office." Eren said. "Usagi-san I'm tired." I said nuzzling closer to Akihiko's chest. "What is your relationship?" Eren asked. I started blushing and played with my wedding ring. "Misaki is my husband." Akihiko said without hesitation. I quickly sat up straight to look Akihiko in his eyes. "Usagi-san! Do you think it's alright to tell him that?" I asked. "So you two are married?" Eren asked before Akihiko could answer. "Yes we are. Do you have a problem with it?" Akihiko asked. Eren shook his head and raised his hand. "Not at all. I'm a married man myself." Eren said as he pointed to his own wedding band. "Who is the lucky lady?" I asked letting my head rest back against Akihiko's chest. "Ah I don't think he will be pleased if he knows you called him a girl." Eren said. "I am married to Levi Ackerman but he will not tell that at the office so don't worry I won't tell a soul." Eren continued. Akihiko and Eren started talking and I slowly started drifting of. 

Akihiko's POV

I put my hand in Misaki's hair and started stroking it softly. "Alright let's get you home so you can rest." I said looking down at Misaki. "Nooo! I mean if you take him home than I will be in a lot of trouble." Eren said. I normally don't like male people who are close to Misaki but knowing this man had a husband of his own made my jealousy fade. "Alright but Misaki needs his rest. He is still not very well." Eren smiled and started walking back with me. I lifted Misaki up without waking him up and as we walked to the office I pulled out my phone. I dialed Isaka's number. After a ring or two he picked up.
"Isaka do you still have your office?" I asked him without explaining. He already knows not to question when I say things. "Yes I will keep working here." He answered with a sigh. "Alright. And you still have the couch in your office?"
"Yes Akihiko. Why are you coming to sleep over at the office?" Isaka asked. "No Misaki is going to need it for a while." I answered and than hung up. I walked further and when we came into the building I stopped Eren from going further. "You tell that Erwin, Misaki is still at the office and than I will personally come to him to talk with him." I said and then we both went our own way. 

Okay I am going to stop it here before everything is gone again. I hope you all enjoy and please let me know what you think. If you have any suggestions for the next chapter I'm all ears. I am currently stuck so any help is welcome. 


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