Chapter 14

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Misaki's POV

It has been four days since Levi send me home with Usagi-san. I know they have more work than to decide what to do with me but I am anxious and that in turn isn't healthy for the baby. I know that but I can't help it. I just don't want to loose this job if I do than I have to search for another and I don't think I can get any other job. "Misaki, what are you thinking about?" I heard Usagi-san ask. He was sitting on the couch with his notepad and trying to come up with new ideas for a novel. "Just about work again." I answered sighing again. I have been doing that a lot lately. "It's going to be alright. I don't really know that Ackerman person but I believe he is just and honest." Akihiko said. I nodded not really convinced but I needed to stay positive. Suddenly I felt the baby start kicking. I quickly sat down beside Akihiko and grabbed his hand. At first he was startled but when I placed his hand on my stomach he relaxed. "Can you feel that?" I asked looking up at him. Akihiko smiled and then nodded. "Yeah it's amazing. When do you think we should start with the nursery?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I honestly don't know. I mean last time the nursery wasn't here so I wouldn't know when to start." I answered trying to relax against Akihiko. "You could always call you brother to ask." Akihiko said still holding his hand on my stomach. "I don't know..." I let my sentence trail off. "Don't know what?" 
"I mean that Ni-chan wasn't really approving so what would he say if I asked him something like that?" I said looking at the ceiling of our apartment. "Misaki, you know he overreacted right?" I nodded not looking at him. "I know he want to help you any way he can." I started laughing bitterly. "Yeah sure that is why he hit me when he heard the news. Even if he overreacted I was so sad. I still am sometimes. I mean I did everything for them and now that I have a change at happiness he can't accept." I said blinked my eyes a couple of times to keep the tears back. "Yeah it was pretty harsh but you have talk it out right?" Akihiko asked. I nodded again but then I turned to him. "We talked it out yes but if he was really okay with this why doesn't he call to ask how I am doing. Or come over just to see me?" I asked not being able to keep the tears back anymore. "Oh Misaki. I don't know, maybe he is just really busy or he just thinks its alright as long as you don't call. I wouldn't know but you can't let this come in between you two. Even when we got married your brother and you were inseparable." Akihiko said hugging me to his chest. I cried into his shirt with heart wrecking sobs until I was to tired to keep my eyes open so I let them close and let sleep take over me.

Akihiko's POV

After Misaki cried himself to sleep against my chest I brought him to our bedroom to let him sleep. Then I walked over to the phone and called Takahiro. After four rings the phone was picked up. "Manami speaking." the cheerful voice of Takahiro's wife answered. "Hello this is Akihiko. I wanted to talk to Takahiro is he home?" I asked politely. "Ah Akihiko, nice of you to call how have you been?" she asked ignoring my request. "I have been good, Misaki not so good but he is holding up." I answered honestly. I know Misaki doesn't want to worry his family but I couldn't lie to them. "Oh what's wrong?" Manami asked. "Misaki might loose his job because of this pregnancy and because there is a new boss. Besides that he is really upset with Takahiro." 
"Why would Misaki be upset with Takahiro. Did that husband of mine do something to hurt him?" She asked voice filled with anger. "Well not really. It's just the opposite. Takahiro hasn't spoken a word with Misaki after you left all those weeks ago." I said sighing when I heard her gasp. "What do you mean he has been on the phone with Misaki several times."
"That's not true. Every time he called I was home alone and Misaki wasn't here. There was a time when Misaki got home and I wanted to hand the phone over to him, but then Takahiro said he had to go and hung up." I said feeling a little sad myself. "You don't mean that right?" Manami asked. I could almost hear the disbelieving face she made. "I am afraid it is true. That is why I wanted to talk to him." I said again getting frustrated. "Okay, wait one second while I go get him." Manami said putting the phone down and walking away. I heard some muffled voices in the background before the phone was being picked up again. "Takahiro." He said. "Hey Takahiro it's Akihiko I wanted to ask you something." I said waiting for his reply. "Alright but you have to make it quick because I'm busy right now." He said almost in a bored tone. "What the hell is wrong with you? First you only talk to me and lie to your wife and then you act as if you don't care. What is the matter with you?" I said angrily. "I am just busy with work and what do you mean lie to my wife I never-"
"You told her you have spoken with Misaki but you didn't not in the last couple of weeks." I said growing more angry with the minute. "Oh don't make a big deal out of it Akihiko. I know he doesn't want to talk to me. Not after what I did to him. If he wants to talk he can pick up the phone himself and call me." He said also getting angry. "What?! You mean he has to make the first move even when you are the one who was wrong in the first place. I thought you had talked it out." I yelled into the phone. "Misaki and I have talked yes but he never said I should call him." Takahiro said. I wanted to answer back to him when the phone was being taken from my hand. "Ni-chan you have no reason to be this mad. I know I never asked you to call me but before I was pregnant I didn't need to ask. You would call every few days even when I married Usagi-san so why not call now. Only because I'm pregnant?" Misaki asked. Takahiro answered something but I couldn't make out what he said. Misaki swallowed hard trying not to cry. "Alright if that is what you want fine. Don't come near me again. I don't want you forcing yourself." Misaki said than slammed the phone down and cried. I quickly hugged him before he could collapse. "Misaki? What happened, what did he say?" I asked not sure what I should do. "Ni-chan said it was my fault for not calling him and that if I wanted to see him I needed to invite him. If I don't that he won't speak to me." Misaki said sobbing. I hugged him closer and tried to comfort him. "Ssh it's all going to be okay Misaki don't worry." I said. Then the phone rang, I quickly picked it up. "Yes!" I said angrily. "I'm sorry for disturbing you but is this Misaki Takashi speaking." I heard a deep voice ask. "Who wants to know?" I asked carefully. "It's mister Ackerman from his work." the voice answered then I sighed. "Just a sec I'll get him." I said looking down at Misaki who was still crying. "It's that new manager. Do you think you can talk to him?" I asked wiping the tears from his face. Misaki nodded and reached for the phone. I handed it to him and waited. "Misaki speaking." he said swallowing and then listened intently. "Yes that's fine. When?" Misaki asked sounding more mature than I knew he could be. "Alright I'll see you then." Misaki answered and then hung up. "So what did that shorty want?" I asked. "I have to meet him in his office this after noon to discuss what they are going to do with me." Misaki said. I nodded, lifting him up into my arms and walking to the couch. I sat him down in my lap. "So what time?" I asked. Misaki looked at his wrist watch. "In about two hours." he answered. I nodded and just held him for a while. 

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