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"Miko!" I yelled as I ran through the house searching for my four year old daughter. She was playing with her doll and the minute I look away to grab my coffee she took of somewhere. I searched around the kitchen and living room but couldn't find her. I decided to search upstairs next. Lately she just didn't seem interested to stay in the same room as me. As soon as I turn my back she is gone. I call her name again when I got upstairs. I heard her quiet giggle coming from her room. Opening the door I was met with a hilarious sight. My daughter was trying to wash her doll with some wet wipes Levi always uses to clean his office. "He little girl, how did you get those?" I asked her. "Wevi gawe them to me." she said using her baby voice. "You know how your dad thinks about that voice young lady. You know perfectly well to talk normally. You are a big girl." I scold her lightly. Miko just pouted but then quickly laughed again. "Okay daddy. Uncle Levi gave them to me." 
"Alright it's okay. Do you know what time it is?" I asked her looking at my wristwatch. "No, why?" She asked curious. "it's almost time to get your father from work." I answered her.  She squealed loudly and ran back downstairs. "Miko don't run down the stairs." I yelled after her and then sighed. When I came down she was already putting on her shoes and jacket. "Come on daddy before Dad is already coming home." she said pulling my arm. "Calm down baby girl, Dad isn't going to come home because we need to pick him up. Remember daddy took the car right?" I said shrugging my jacket on. Miko smiled widely and when I had my shoes on she pulled me out of the apartment and into the hallway. We made our way down to the car and I buckled her in. "Now who is ready to see uncle Levi and uncle Eren again?" I asked in a sing-song voice. "ME,ME,ME." Miko yelled raising her arms above her head. She looked so adorable in her blue with white dress. I combed her black hair earlier and put it up in a ponytail. It was her favorite and Akihiko liked how it swung when she walked. While we drove to Akihiko's work Miko kept babbling. Suddenly she asked: "Daddy, when will I get a brother or sister? My friend said her mommy is growing a brother inside her and I want one to." I looked at her through my rear view mirror, my eyes tearing up and I needed to swallow before I could answer her. "Is that so?" I asked. "Yes so I want one to." she said slamming her tiny hands against the door. "Miko you can't have everything you want." I told her as I parked the car. It hurt to think about but I would never have another child again. After Miko was born doctor Endo removed everything so I won't be able to carry anymore. I quickly got out of the car and walked around it to open her door. She was already unbuckled and jumped out. She grabbed my hand again and tugged me to the door. "Slow down baby girl, we still have time." I said. She didn't respond but slowed down a bit. We walked into the building and were greeted by Petra the receptionist. "Hey Misaki, what are you doing here. I thought today was your day off?" She asked curiously. "Yeah it is, but Akihiko is working today so I thought I visit him with his daughter." I answered her. At that she bend over the desk to look at my legs were Miko was hiding behind. "Oh hello there Miko. You sure have grown." she said kindly. I looked down at Miko who was hiding and smiled. "What is this? Are you shy Miko?" I said in a teasing voice. She puffed out her cheeks and shook her head. "Well say hello than." I urged her on. At that she walked forward and looked up at Petra. "hello ugly lady." she said. I gasped and quickly pulled her in my arms. "Miko that is not a nice thing to say." I scolded. "But uncle Levi always said I should always speak the truth." she defended herself. I sighed and turned to Petra. "I'm very sorry, she's at a rebellious stage." I explained. Petra just smiled and nodded. "It's alright Misaki. Well have fun with your husband." She said winking at me. My ears turned red as I quickly walked to the elevator. Miko snuggled into my neck and closed her eyes. "What's wrong baby girl?" I ask softly. "Tired." Was all she said. "But you haven't seen your father yet. You want to great him right?" I asked. "Yes." she said excitedly sitting up in my arms. We got of on the highest floor and I walked over to the office there. Akihiko should be down by now and waiting for me but you never know. He was probably just chatting with Levi like last time. I walked up to the secretary but he ignored me. "Hello?" I asked looking down at him as he said behind his desk. He still didn't respond seemingly distracted by his computer. I decided to just walk into Levi's office than. I turned around and started walking until suddenly someone yanked my arm. I stumbled backwards losing my balance and falling. Miko screamed as I fell backwards hitting my head against the floor. My arms were protecting Miko so she didn't get hurt but that meant my head got injured. I looked up at the men who had grabbed me and saw it was the secretary. "You...why did you..." I was cut of by a door being opened and Levi walking out. "What the hell is going on out here?" he asked then his eyes fell on me. "Well mister Ackerman this man tried to just go in to your office without permission but I stopped him." the secretary said smugly. I tried getting back up but my head hurt like hell. "Misaki are you alright?" I heard someone ask. I looked around to see Eren kneeling down beside me. "Ugh, I think so. Can you take Miko for me please." I said letting her go. Miko just clamped her arms around my neck not letting go. "No daddy I want to stay with you." She whimpered. I sighed and nodded. "Alright just can you help daddy get up again?" I asked her. She nodded and quickly climbed off me pulling my hand. It was adorable how she tried to get me up on her own. When Eren went to help me she yelled at him. "Miko let uncle Eren help you alright?" I said. Eren grabbed my other hand and pulled me to my feet. When he let go of my hand I swayed a little but quickly regained my footing. "Whoah Misaki are you alright?" He asked again. "Yeah I'll be fine just hit my head." I said reaching down and pulling Miko back into my arms. At that moment Akihiko came walking around the corner and looked straight at me. I tried smiling at him but my head hurt to much. "Misaki what's wrong?" he asked. "It's nothing." I tried but Miko quickly piped up. "Daddy was pulled back and then he fell on his head. He said it hurt dad. You have to make daddy better." she said looking from me to him and back. Then she wiped her hand across my head and stroked my hair back. "Daddy why is your hair wet?" she asked. Akihiko walked closer to me and inspected my head. "It's just a small cut nothing to worry about." he answered. "Alright everybody back to work. I'll have a talk with you later." He said to his secretary with a glare. Then he ushered us inside his office. I sat down on his couch as Miko quickly ran over to Eren to cuddle with him. I smiled at the sight but cringed as Levi put some alcohol on the cut. He quickly cleaned it and afterwards gave me a scolding. I sighed again and looked over at Akihiko. "You know she asked me for a brother or sister this afternoon." I casually said. Akihiko spit out his coffee he had just been sipping. "What?" He almost yelled. "You heard me. She want a brother or sister." 
"Okay, but...." he trailed off knowing I didn't want to be reminded. "Yeah." I said looking down sadly. "We can always adopt you know." he said trying to cheer me up. "I know but it won't be the same." I answered. "I don't know is you have heard this but there has been a hospital trying to get male pregnancy authorized with the government and then you could try again if that is what you want." Eren said walking back to us with a sleeping Miko in his arms. He handed her to me and sat down with Levi. "We have been waiting to try ourselves but the government is against it." Levi said pulling Eren into his lap. "Really, so if the government is alright with it I could get pregnant again?" I asked with hope in my voice. They both nodded and I looked over at Akihiko. "What?" He asked warily. "Your father is with the government (made it up so what.) maybe he could pull some strings?" I asked. Akihiko sighed before turning to Levi. "If I have to call my father, you need to get your source to speak publicly." He said. Levi nodded and they started talking about how they could try and push this through. We stayed for a while longer but then decided to go home. 

Time skip 

After months of debating and pulling string it was finally time to get the testing started. I was one of the first man to try it together with Eren of course. We went through the testing and were both approved to get to the next stage. Eren and I were both on hormones and our feeling were all over the place. We fought with our husbands, came together to complain about them and then ran back home to apologize. This went on for almost a month and now we were both waiting in the waiting room of the hospital. 

"I'm a little scared Misaki. What if my body doesn't work right?" Eren asked softly. "I'm sure it will all be okay Eren. Just have faith." I said before he was called in by a nurse. A couple moment later I was also called in by a different nurse. "Alright mister Usami, please lay on the bed and pull up your shirt." the nurse said. I did as I was told and she examined me. "Alright mister Usami do you want to know the result?" she asked. I nodded excitedly. Then she told me. I sighed and thanked her. Pulling my shirt back down and walking back to the waiting room. Eren was already waiting for me and looking at his face he seemed sad. I didn't want to ask so I just walked to the exit. We both got in the car. "Are you still coming over tonight?" I asked him. "Off course why wouldn't we?" he asked. I thought he was in denial and decided to leave him be for the moment. I dropped him off at Levi's and his place. "Alright well see you tonight than." I said. Eren nodded and walked inside. I returned home and started cooking dinner for tonight. Akihiko was out with Miko so I didn't need to worry about her getting in the way. After a couple hours of cooking everything was ready and I was just waiting for everyone to come over. The doorbell rang and I quickly got up to open the door. Eren and Levi were standing in front of me. Eren with a big smile and Levi with his emotionless face. I sighed, maybe it wasn't that bad after all. I followed them to the living room and got them a cup off coffee. "Daddy!!!!!" I jumped at the loud voice of my daughter as she came running to me. I bend down and picked her up. "Hey baby girl did you have a good time with Dad?" I asked her. She nodded her head and started to tell about her day. I listened to her exciting storytelling as Akihiko, Eren and Levi set the table. I placed Miko down in her chair and sat down on my own. Akihiko brought in the food and we started eating. I didn't want to start about today's test and tried to stall a little bit longer. "Daddy?" Miko asked. "Yes baby girl." I answered looking at her. "what did the doctor say?" she asked innocently. My face went pale as I looked at Eren for a quick moment. "Uh aaah." I didn't know what to say. "Oh yes that's right. Today you got the results right?" Levi said. I looked at him questionably. Didn't they talk before coming over here. "Yes we did." Eren said looking at me. "What do you say Misaki, should we tell it at the same time?" He asked. I looked at him but he didn't seem to upset. Maybe he thought it would be less painful if we said it at the same time. "Alright if you want to." I said. We both stood from our chairs and looked each other in the eyes. "On the count of three. One, two, three." 

"I'm Pregnant." We both yelled. I looked at him in wonder. 
"What?" We both cried at the same time. "What do you mean you're pregnant?" Eren asked first. "What I. What do you mean you're pregnant. I thought the test failed on you. You were so sad." I said looking from him to Levi and back. "I thought your testy failed when you came out sighing deeply so I just didn't get excited for your sake." Eren said. We both looked at each other and then we both cried. I quickly walked over to him and we hugged. "Congratulations." I whispered between my sobs. Then we both looked over to our husbands who were sitting at the table shocked. "Misaki?" "Eren?" They both called our names. "Yes." We both answered. "Come here." We both did what we were told and went to out husbands. They hugged us and showed how happy they were. "So I'm going to be a dad?" Levi asked quietly. Eren nodded kissing him deeply. "Misaki, I'm so happy for you." Akihiko said pulling me into a kiss. 

"So does this mean I'm getting two brothers or sisters?" Miko asked. We all started laughing. This was the beginning of a new adventure.     

I really hope you liked it. This is the epilogue some of you requested. Please let me know what you think. I appreciate comments and votes thank you 


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