Chapter 16

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Misaki's POV

Working from home wasn't that bad when you got used to it. Akihiko made sure I didn't overwork myself. I was almost 38 weeks pregnant by now and my due date was getting closer. Than one evening when we were sitting together on the couch the phone rang. I slowly got up to answer but Akihiko stopped me. "Just stay here, I'll get it." Akihiko said walking over to the phone. I sat on the couch waiting for Akihiko to come back but then I heard him yelling. "No I don't want to leave Misaki here. You remember what happened last time don't you?" He yelled. Then it was quiet for a while so I assumed they were talking normally again. I tried to get comfortable on the couch but with a nine month pregnant belly in front you can't be comfortable ever. "You can do what you want but I won't do that to Misaki. Fire me is you want I don't care Misaki is my priority right now." I heard Akihiko yell again. That made me flinch a little. 'Oh no he can't be fired because of me.' I thought getting up. Akihiko kept yelling at the phone until I rounded the corner. He saw me and stopped talking. The person on the other end of the line was also yelling but I couldn't make out what they said for I was to far away. "Misaki what's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Yeah I'm fine. I was worried about you because you were yelling about being fired. I don't want you to be fired." I said walking closer to him. "Well this mister Smith want's me to go to a book launch in two days so Isaka is bugging me with it." Akihiko said calming down a bit. "If you have to go, you have to go. Work comes first you know that." I said looking up at him. Akihiko sighed then shook his head. "Misaki this book launch isn't even in town. I would have to drive three hours to get back here." He said. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head on his chest. "Akihiko everything will be fine. My due date isn't this week and even so I could always come with you." I said trying to reason with him. "Misaki, is that you?" I heard a faint voice from the phone. I held up my hand asking for the receiver Akihiko still held in his hand. He shook his head and then handed it to me when I glared at him. Even in my most fragile and vulnerable position he couldn't turn me down. I put the phone to my ear. "This is Misaki speaking, who is it?" I asked. "Ah chibi-san just the person I needed. You have to convince Usami-sensei to go to this book launch. It's important he attends because our new boss is using this as a test to see all our capabilities as employers with his company. And as you know we don't want to get fired by him." Isaka-san explained. "I understand but I also need him." I said looking up at Akihiko to see him smiling. "Well it's not that far we are going so he isn't gone for too long. You can still take care of yourself right?" Isaka-san asked. "Well yes technically I could but what if the baby needs to be born when he isn't in town? I would be here all alone and scared without my husband." I said making sure my voice quivered a bit. Akihiko smirked as he understood what I was going to do. "Well if you really don't want him to go, you could always come with him. I mean he has a suit in one of the finest hotels in the city and you would always be able to see him between his meetings." Isaka-san said a little uncertainty in his voice. "But won't it be really bad for his reputation to have me there together with Akihiko?"
"Yes in fact but I'm willing to take that change if he will be coming to the book launch than." Isaka-san said again a little uncertain. "Okay so to sum it up, I would be able to stay with Akihiko except for his meetings and the party. I can always call when I need him and he wont be held back because it would be better for his reputation and I can go in public with Akihiko?" I said making sure to sound breathless. I heard Isaka-san sigh and I pictured his defeated face as he answered. "Yes."
"When is the book launch?" I asked. I heard Isaka-san rustle with some papers. "It's in three days in the morning he has a signing session afterwards he needs to attend a lunch with some investors and than later on in the evening there will be a party in his honor which will also be his book launch." Isaka-san explained. I looked up at Akihiko who just nodded since he knew he had to go even if he didn't want to. "Alright I'll make sure we are there on time." I said. Then I heard a cheer on the other side of the line before it grew silent. "Isaka-san?" I questioned. "Misaki, are you sure you can travel the distance?" he suddenly asked. "Well I'm not sure I mean the baby can come any given moment so it's a bit risky but then again I'll be fine like I always am." I said getting rid of my doubts. Isaka-san agreed and then hung up. I did the same and got back to hug Usagi-san. "I'm sorry you have to attend again." I said when he didn't say anything. "It's alright Misaki I'm just worried about you. I mean we wont have a doctor on standby there." I nodded then looked up at him. "I'm going to be fine so don't worry too much. Come on let's go to bed." I said gently pulling away and putting my hands on my back. He guided me up the stairs and after changing into something comfortable we went to bed. 

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