christmas special

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Misaki's POV

today would be a very special day. It has been exactly 5 years since Akihiko asked me to marry him. I remember it like it was yesterday. We had the twins over for there first Christmas and Akihiko had to change his plans because I was so happy they could spend it with me. Akihiko wanted to take me to some tropical island and propose there but I just said we could go the next year instead. I still remember how he got on one knee and asked me. So today I wanted to make it special since it was five years ago. meanwhile, we had a little girl of our own and I am currently pregnant with another baby. Just a few weeks ago Eren and I broke the news to our husbands and they were both ecstatic about the news. Eren and Levi will be first-time parents as to me and Akihiko would be the second time. Technically I would be becoming a mother for the third time but well the twins aren't mine. I was sitting in the living room waiting for Akihiko to come home with our daughter who had been staying over at my friend's house. I really hoped she was good while she staid with them. I mean if she didn't, I don't know if she will be unharmed. Hiroki was still short tempered but Nowaki was also there so it would be alright. I hope at least. Breathing a big sigh I got up and started to put on some tea. I had already cooked dinner and set the table so I was just waiting for the rest of the family to get home. Then just when I was putting the kettle on its heater the front door opened and my daughter came running in. "Daddy! I missed you," she yelled as he tackled me in a hug. I had to grab the counter to stay on my feet but then hugged her back. "Hey Miko, did you have a good time at uncle Hiroki and Uncle Nowaki's place?" I asked. She nodded and started telling me all they did. "And after they told me the spooky story we went to sleep. Daddy, does the baby sleep too?" she suddenly asked. I laughed at her question and rubbed my still flat stomach. "The baby is still too small. It will be a while before I can feel if it's awake or sleeping." I said ruffling her hair and walking to the living room. Akihiko came over and kissed me on the lips making Miko gag. "Oh shush you. Your dad and I just love each other and show it through our kisses." I said walking in the dining room and sitting down at the table. Akihiko went into the kitchen as Miko also sat at the table. "Are you excited about Christmas?" I asked her. My baby girl started nodding her head. "Yes, I hope Santa thinks I have been good this year. I mean I have been really good the past year but what if Santa thinks I teased the twins too much this year," she said. I giggled at her serious answer. "I'm sure Santa knows they teased you too so it will be alright," I said. Then Akihiko came in with the food and after he plated it we started eating. There was some small talk about Miko's stay with Hiroki and Nowaki but we soon finished. "Alright Miko, time for you to get washed up and get ready for bed," I said then got up the take the dishes to the sink and washing them. Akihiko also got up and lead our daughter to the bathroom upstairs. Akihiko made it his job to get her into bed since he isn't awake when we leave to go to her school. After I was done with the dishes I walked upstairs and into Miko's room. My daughter was already in bed with her huge teddy bear and listening to Akihiko as he read her a story. I listened to him finishing and then kissed her goodnight. "Goodnight angel," I said kissing her forehead. "Go to sleep soon so Santa can bring your presents," Akihiko said after kissing her too. Miko just nodded and closed her eyes. We left her room and closed the door. I went to our room to get changed into my night clothes as Akihiko disappeared into his workroom. I was slightly disappointed because I wanted to watch a movie together and cuddle on the couch like we did that night five years ago. After changing I sat down on the couch alone and started a movie. Maybe Akihiko forgot what day it was or maybe he just didn't think much of it. I sighed as I tried to focus on the tv. Suddenly all the lights turned of so the only light in the room was from the tv making the room really dim. I listened but couldn't hear anything. A hand on my shoulder startled me and if there wasn't a hand over my mouth the whole city would have heard me scream. I know it isn't manly to scream and get scared easily but I just didn't like the dark. I was turned around and saw a beautiful heartshaped candle sitting on the living room table. On the candle was something written. I looked up at the person behind me already knowing it to be Usagi-san. He smiled and motioned for me to take a closer look. I stepped forward looking closer at the candle. 

'Misaki I know you think I don't pay enough attention to you but I wanted to prove you wrong. I have been waiting to tell you this or rather ask you but couldn't find the words to do it. So now I wanted to try it this way. I know we have been married for four years now and on this very same day I asked you to marry me. Now five years later I want to ask you something else...' 

That was everything on the candle so I turned around to ask but before I could Akihiko went down on one knee. I was confused because we were already married so why... My thought was cut short when Akihiko started talking. "Misaki you have been with me for the last couple of years. You accepted to marry me and you gave me a beautiful baby girl. Right now you are growing our second child and I couldn't be happier. But I know you want just one more thing..." Akihiko paused to take my hand in his. "Take this as your present this year and tell me you will go with me," he said placing something in my hand. I looked at it and didn't understand. In my hand was a key, not just a key but a house key. I turned it over to look at the back and then I started crying. On the back of the key was an address. "You bought it didn't you?" I asked between sobs. Akihiko nodded. I tackled him to the ground in a hug and kissed him passionately. "I really wanted that house and when you told me it had been sold I was so disappointed. But you had already bought it. I can't believe it." I said. Akihiko just hugged me back and smiled. And just like that, we were the owners of the most beautiful house in the city. Or at least the most beautiful house to me. This was the best Christmas of my life. 

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