Chapter Two

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Alright, this chapter might be a little confusing, there will be Ethan's POV, but it will be him while he's in the coma, like I said, confusing. Hope you like it!

James' POV

It's been a couple days sense the car crash, and Ethan hasn't woken up yet. Jacob hasn't been taking this very well, we have to make him eat, he hasn't slept at all, and only gets out of the chair next to Ethan's bed to go to the bathroom and he makes me promise to watch him while he's gone and yell at him if Ethan wakes up. It breaks my heart, seeing him like this. I have to take him into the bathroom to change his clothes, give him showers, because he won't do it. I mean, I don't have a problem with it, I kind of wanted to be a nurse when I grew up, but I can't stand having to see him like this. The doctor's want to wait until Ethan wakes up to start the surgery, to make sure he knows about it, and then they are going to put him back to sleep, I don't think it's going to be right when he wakes up, but still. 

His mom went to get some lunch, I think she said she'll get McDonald's, one more thing we have to force him to eat. I didn't sleep last night, Jacob was crying all night long. I don't blame him, but I'm really tired right now. I've been sitting here on this chair for about ten, fifteen minutes now, and it's really comfy. I just closed my eyes when I hear silent sobs, I open my eyes and Jacob is hugging his legs to his chest on the chair, the huge chair making his body look small like a teddy bear. I got up off my chair and went over to him, sitting on the chair beside him, making him move over a little, then pulled him into my chest, letting him sob into my body, my shirt soaking up his tears. 

Ethan's POV

Where am I? This is all confusing to me... The last thing I remember is me driving down that back street, Jacob calling me, and then looking up at the truck, then everything going black. But now everything isn't black... it's all white, very white, and it's starting to hurt my eyes. All of a sudden I hear sobs, and it sounds like Jacob... "Jacob?" I call out, looking around, "Jacob, Baby, where are you?" No answer, just sobbing. Then I hear another voice, it sounds like James. What is going on? 

"You're in a coma Ethan," someone says, I spin around and I see a women, all dressed in white, long, golden hair in curls, she was so beautiful... 

"Who- who are you... and where am I?" I asked, stepping back a step.

"It's alright, there's no need to be scared, I'm a friend, now a foe," she said, smiling. 

"Where am I?!" I asked, shouting. I didn't mean to shout at her... 

"You're in your mind Ethan, you need to wake up," she said, stepping closer to me.

"How- how do I do that? And is Jacob alright?" I asked, starting to get scared. "Are- are you an angel?" That was a stupid question, I know, but she was to perfect, she has to be.

"Yes, but more specifically, your angel."

"I have my own angel?" I asked.

"Yes, everyone does. We watch over you and make sure that you're going in the path you were meant to go," she said, taking another step to me.

"Wait... you watch me? Like... all the time..." If she watches me then she could see me when I'm going to the bathroom... taking a shower... having sex with Jacob... My eyes got wide. She just laughed, even her laugh was beautiful.

"No, no, no... Well, yes, but we give you privacy, don't worry," she said, smiling more. Her smile was perfect.

"Um... am I, um, dead?" I asked, looking down at my hands.

"No, you're not. Well, not yet. If you don't wake up soon you will die Ethan," she said, standing next to me.

"W-what?" I asked, starting to freak out.

"The doctors doesn't know yet but you're close to death Ethan, wake up." She said, starting to disappear.

"H-how do I wake up?! Don't leave me!" I cried out.

"Just wake up," she said, and she was gone. How do I just wake up... I pinched my arm, nothing. I slapped myself, a bit hard, still nothing. 

"Ethan, please wake up baby, please," I hear Jacob say, how can I hear him but I can't see him... I feel like a prisoner in my own body. All of a sudden I felt a forehead on my hand, there was nothing, but I still feel it... 

Jacob's POV 

I was sitting on the bedside chair, crying, with my head on Ethan's hand, it felt warm, it actually calmed me a little. But it still wasn't enough to make me stop crying, "please baby..." I said, talking to Ethan, knowing he couldn't hear me. My mom came in with the doctor, the doctor standing beside Ethan and my mom coming beside me. 

"Jacob, could you look at me?" He said, and I could tell something was wrong. I looked up and his face made me start sobbing again. My mom rubbed my back, looking up at the doctor, "Alright, we did some tests, and we've discovered that, if Ethan doesn't wake up soon, he will, well, die," he said, looking at my mother. My heart dropped, I'm not even sure if it's still in my body.

"What?!" I said, standing up, and my mother put her hand on my shoulder, "He can't die! WAKE HIM UP!" I said, demanding.

"We have done everything we can do, he has to wake up by himself, we can't wake him up," he said, in a calming voice.

"I SWEAR TO GOD, IF YOU DON'T WAKE HIM UP RIGHT NOW, GOD HELP ME I WILL MAKE YOU WISH YOUR PARENTS HAVE NEVER MET," I was yelling at him at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking.

"We can't do anything, Jacob," he said, in a even calmer voice.

"Jacob, calm down," my mom said, rubbing my back. But I was far from calming down. I was pissed. Pissed at the doctor because he can't wake Ethan up and pissed at myself because I made this happen. Just then, from the bottom of my eye sight, I saw movement. It was my mom, she was behind me. It was James, he was sitting in the corner chair. It wasn't the doctor, he was straight a head of me. Then it happen again, I looked down, and I noticed what it was. Ethan was moving his index finger. 



Woooooooooow, I didn't see that coming! O.O alright, maybe I did. BUT YOU DIDN'T! HA! Well, maybe you did, or maybe you didn't, oh well. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter... I know it's a bit confusing because Ethan's POV even tho he's in a coma... But maybe it wasn't so confusing... I don't know. I know this sounds like a CRAZY idea, but me and one of my BFF's were talking last night, and I said that maybe I should make this story into a movie when I grow up... Hmmmmmmm... I don't know, I know it's a crazy idea, and why am I making pains for like ten years from now? I dunno. But ever sense then, I've been writing like I was kind of writing the movie... So, if it's kind of confusing, I sorry :( If you vote I will probably post chapter three sooner, whenever I get a vote I tend to write faster so if you want Chapter Three... well, you know what to do! VOTE!!!

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