Chapter Nineteen

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Hey guys! So I hope you have been liking the series so far! But I need to say a couple things about the third and final book in the Backwards Lovers series  For those of you that have seen the trailer, (I hope you liked it!) I've made a minor change and I can't go back and add something onto it and I can't go over and redo it because I don't have everything anymore, but! For Sideways, the first ten or so chapters are going to be Ethan and Jacob's junior year, because I was just going to skip junior year and go straight to senior year, but I can't do that! So the first ten chapters or so is going to be their junior year, the next maybe five chapters are going to be the summer, which is going to go by real fast, I know, but lets me real for a second, summer always seems short! And then the next ten or so is going to be senior year and then there's gonna be five more chapters and that will be their life after high school! So, if you count all the chapters that might happen, there are going to be about 30 chapters in the last book in stead of 20, which is going to be the amount of chapters in this book and was the amount of chapters in the first... Oh my god! This is the second to last chapter in this book! It's all gone so fast! Wow! Anyway, I'm sorry for the long author note, let's get onto the chapter shall we?!


Ethan's POV

So it's one week until school starts again, and to be honest, I am NOT ready. But on the bright side, I've had my cast off for a couple of weeks now and it feels really nice. I can't believe it took that long for my leg to heal but still, I'm happy that it did. And another good thing! Jacob is going into drivers ed! His mom is just letting him do it, she has been scared for him to be driving and always loved the fact that I could drive. I laughed the first day he came home from drivers ed, he was so excited. He was like "OH MY GOD BABE I'M GOING TO BE DRIVING SOON." It was adorable.

Enough about the past, onto what is going on right now. Jacob and I are standing outside James' room, with our ears pressed up on the door. He had his little boyfriend in there, I think his name was like Jason or something... Jackson? I don't know. Jacob made a little noise with his throat and we both froze, hoping that James didn't hear it but sure enough, James came and opened the door, looking at us, "what are you two doing?"

"Oh, uh, nothing, I just uh... Lost my contact  And Ethan here was trying to help me find it," Jacob said.

"Jacob... You're wearing your glasses," James said, chuckling.

"Oh... Then... Never mind " He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hallway and into our room. "That was close!"

I chuckled, "why would you say that you lost your contact if you're wearing your glasses?" 

"I panicked ok! And I didn't see you come up with something better!" 

"Oh, I don't know, we were walking down the hallway and you coughed down the hallway and by the time that he opened his door we was in front of it?" I said, smirking.

"Oh shut up," he said, punching me in my chest and jumping onto the bed, looking at the ceiling and sighed. "School is going to start soon." 

"Yeah, I know," I said, sitting down and lifting his shirt up to play with his abs. He's been working out again, and it's hot watching him. I know what you're thinking, how could watching him get all sweaty be hot? Well, when he gets sweaty that means he'll need a shower and that means Ethan here, yes I'm talking in third person, can get some hot steamy shower time with Jacob. That's what's hot. Come to think of it... He hasn't worked out yet today... Yay! "Hey babe?"

"Mhmm?" He asked, giggling a little because I  my finger went over the sensitive part of his chest. 

"Shouldn't you go work out right about now?" I asked. 

"Oh yeah," he said. "Well, let's go downstairs." He has a gym in his basement which him, his dad, James, and I use. I haven't used it in a long time, but still. We walked down and he took his shirt off, turning the big fan on, which, surprising by it's size, doesn't really make that much noise. He walked over to the radio and turned it on, putting the CD that he brought down in. Hmm, I wonder what it was... Yep, Beyoncé, her album called 4. "Are you going to work out with me today?"

"No, I don't think so, I'll just watch," I said.

"Like always," he said, chuckling and started.

"Hey! You better watch that little mouth of yours!" I said, chuckling.

"Or what?"He asked.

"Or... Or... I don't know but you better watch it!" I said. He chuckled and nodded. He started to sing along to one of Beyoncé's songs, Love on Top.

"I can feel the sun whenever you're near, every time you touch me I just melt away," he said, looking over at me and winking. I just chuckled and rolled my eyes. When is he gonna be done? Ugh... I don't think I can wait!

About ten minutes later, he was doing the workouts for his ass, and of course I was going to let him finish that, but as soon as he was finished I stood up and grabbed his arm, "ok you're done."

"No I'm not... I still gotta do the-" He started.

"Nope, no you don't, you're done," I said, pulling him into the bathroom that was down here, taking mine and his clothes off and pushed him into the shower, starting it and grabbing the body wash and the sponge, starting to wash him.

"Why didn't you let me finish? I had to finish... I still had my abs work out to do," he said, looking up at me.

"You're abs look fine, babe," I said, looking down at them. As I was looking down, I couldn't kept myself from looking at something else, "and something else looks nice as well," I said, smirking.

"What? My thighs?" He said, smirking.

"Yep, your thighs. How did you know what I was talking 'bout?" I said, smirking.

"I read minds," he said, smiling.

"I knew it," I said, kissing him and pushing him up against the wall.

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