Chapter Three

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Ethan's POV

It took all my strength to move one little finger, how can I move more? I wanted to wake up, I wanted to so bad. Hearing Jacob yelling at the doctor, trying to make him wake me up knowing that he can't do anything about it, it gave me the strength to do that. "Ethan? Can you hear me?" I hear the doctor say.

"Yes, I can hear you," I say, looking up at the blink white light.

"Ethan? Can you hear me?" He repeated.

"YES!" I yelled.

"Ethan, if you can hear me, move your finger again," he said.

"Can you hear ME? I said YES!" I yelled again, knowing nothing was going to happen. I have to move my finger. I tried my hardest to move it, but I couldn't, I couldn't even move a single muscle, why does this have to be so hard? I want to wake up... 

"Baby, please, wake up, I love you," Jacob said, he was crying.

"Don't cry babe! I'm here! I want to wake up but I can't!" I yelled, no use. Then I thought of something, "Angel! I don't know you're name but can you please show yourself!?" I called out. "Angel!"

"Yes?" I turned around and there she was.

"How do I wake up? How do I get out of here? Please, help me, my baby needs me," I said, basically begging her, the only thing missing was me on my knees. All of a sudden I felt really weak. 

"There's nothing I can do Ethan, it has to be done on your own," she said, taking my hands in hers. 

"But I can't! Please, help me, please I'm begging you!" I said, falling to my knees. Yep, there it is. "Please!" I looked up at her and her eyes were closed, and if I didn't know any better, she seemed to be glowing, more then she was before. "Please," I said again, closing my eyes and putting my forehead on our hands. "Please."

Jacob's POV

This was it, Ethan was gone, he's not waking up. It got quiet, the only sound in the room was the heart monitor, with it's eardrum breaking sound, three beeps at a time. It seemed to get louder, then it turned into a continuous high peach beeping. The other doctors ran in with a thing of equipment, the doctor who was already in the room tore Ethan's hospital gown, grabbing the defibrillators, and turning up the power, the machine making a really high peach noise. He rubbed them together, "clear" he said, I stepped back, and he pushed them onto Ethan's chest, looking at the heart monitor, still that high peach continuous beep still piercing my ears, he did it again, "clear." I didn't know what to do... Ethan, my Ethan... was gone. He sighed, turning off the defibrillator, and put them down, looking at his watch. "Time of death, 2:15:44 pm," he said to one of the nurses, who wrote down the time. He turned the heart monitor off, starting to walk out with the others.

 I ran my hands threw my hair, grabbing it and turning around, about to burst into sobs. Hot tears running down my face, going into my mouth, tasting like salt. "please..." someone said, it was so soft I almost missed it. "please..." There it was again, then it hit me. I turned around and looked down at Ethan's face. His mouth slightly ajar. "please..." There it was again, and this time I saw it. I looked up at the doctor walking out, I tried to call him but no noise came out of my mouth, I looked at my mom, who was in the corner of the room hugging James, they didn't hear it. I kicked the chair beside me, trying to make as much noise as I can. The doctor finally turned around and I pointed to Ethan. "please..." he said, this time a little louder. 

The doctor ran to beside Ethan's bed, turning to heart monitor on, it again did three beeps at a time, they were small beeps, but they were beeps. "The defibrillators!" He yelled, the nurses running in and giving them to him, turning it on. "Clear!" He yelled, I stepped back again, even tho I wasn't by the bed. He pushed them against Ethan's chest and the beeping got louder, the marks getting bigger. I fell to the ground, and for the first time in a long time, I prayed. Prayed that Ethan would be ok, prayed that he will wake up, prayed for anything I could. "Clear!" He yelled again, doing it one more time. Then it got silent, the only sound was the heart monitor. I have never been so happy to hear that noise, but it had to be off. 

"Turn it off," I said, "you won't be able to hear him with it on... it's to soft," I said, looking up at the doctor who nodded and turned it off, and it fell quiet. Then there it was again. 

"please," Ethan said, this time louder. The doctor grabbed some tools and did his doctor thing, I didn't know what he did, I was to busy hoping. Ethan's hand moved off the bed, I grabbed it almost automatically, pricing my forehead onto it. It felt cold... but it was warming up. I closed my eyes, and prayed. 


Jame's POV

It's been about two hours since Ethan said a word, the doctors took his bed out of the room to do more tests, leaving Jacob, his mom, and I in a bed less room. None of us said a word, Jacob was sitting on the chair that would beside the bed if it was in here, sleeping. He fell asleep about 45 minutes ago, which was great because he hasn't slept in almost a week. His mom went to get me some Starbucks, I really needed one. I just sat there, looking at Jacob sleeping. I know it's sort of freaky, watching him sleep, but he looked so perfect... peaceful... Just looking at him right now you would never have guessed that his boyfriend just died and came back almost two hours ago. 

I smiled a bit, when Jacob moved, he was so adorable. His mom came in and handed me my Starbucks, taking a slip of her own while putting Jacob's on the counter. "Starbucks it good, but damn it's expensive," she said, sitting next to me and looking at Jacob, then at me, noticing that I was looking at him, she smiled. "Beautiful, isn't he, when he's sleeping?" 

"Yeah," I said, smiling a bit, taking a drink. Then the doctor came in, looking at us and than at Jacob. 

"Should I come back when he's awake?" He asked.

"No no no, I'll catch him up later," his mom said, standing. 

"Alright, well, Ethan is fine, he's awake, he's on Nitrous oxide," he said, looking at me.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Laughing gas," he told her.

"Oh, right, I knew that," she said, sitting back down. 

"Alright, he is getting ready for surgery, I was coming in to get Jacob, but he's..." he looked at Jacob, "not awake, so do either of you want to go see him? There can only be one at a time," he said, smiling a bit.

"I'll go, if that's alright with you," I said, looking at Jacob's mom who nodded. I got up and walked out with the doctor. 

"So, tell me a little about yourself, James," he said, trying to make small talk.

"Well, my name is James, I was born in New Hampshire, and I want to be a nurse when I'm older," I said, slipping my hands into my pockets. 

"Oh?" He asked, opening a hallway door.

"Yeah," I said, looking around, "where's Ethan?"

"Just up here," he said, walking me down a long hallway into a room where Ethan was sitting on the same bed as he was laying in the other room, but this time more machines were around him and there were more needles in his arm. 

"Hi Ethan," I said, smiling when he looked at me. 


Hey guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I feel like the ending kind of sucks, I don't know. Anyway! I hope you're liking this story so far! VOTE!!

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