Chapter Seventeen

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry about the long wait for this update, I've just been a bit busy. I'm a cheerleader so that is really cutting my spare time short, and honestly I have no motivation to write anything right now, but I PROMISE I will continue, for you guys. I already quit one of my book, I don't want to quit another. Alright, I hope you guys like this chapter! Bye!

Ethan's POV

It's the middle of the summer now, I have been living at Jacob's house again for a couple of weeks now, and I can tell he missed me as much as I missed him, we haven't really been away from each other's side a lot. The doctor said that next week I can take my cast off my leg, and I couldn't be anymore happier. I thought I would be able to take it off like last week but I guess not, but I'm not complaining. 

Jacob and I were laying on his, well our bed, watching The Help, and he was cuddled up to me. He had his glasses on, the ones that made him look kind of nerdy, and it was so adorable. He was in his blue fuzzy cookie monster pj's and a blue hoodie, he completely and perfectly perfect. I looked at him, he looked back, and I leaned in for a kiss. He kissed back and then turned back to the movie. "I gotta go to the bathroom babe, I'll be right back," I said, getting up and walking away. Even though I still have my cast on, I could walk on it. The doctor just said not to put a lot of weight onto my leg and try to be careful. I walked out and walked down the hall, walking past the bathroom, and slowly went down the stairs. 

At the bottom of the stairs was James, Jacob's Mom, and his Dad. All three of them looked at me and smiled, looking back to the TV. I walked to kitchen and got a drink, sitting at the table and drinking it slowly. Mary came into the kitchen and sat down and looked at me, "what's the matter? You look down."

"I just... I feel like I'm hurting Jacob..." I said, drinking again.

"How so?" 

"I'm not sure, but I just feel like I am... I don't know what it is..." I said, looking at my lap. 

"Honey, I don't think you are. Trust me, I can tell when he's hurt and you're not hurting him," she said, "why don't you go back up to him and watch the movie."

"How did you know we were watching a movie?" I asked.

"I walked by your room and heard it, you're watching The Notebook, aren't you?" She said. I nodded, "alright," she said, chuckling, "go back up there." I nodded and got up, putting the soda bottle into the sink and headed back upstairs.

I opened and closed the door, standing there for a second, looking at Jacob. He looked over and smiled at me, "come on." I sighed and got onto the bed, putting my back on the bed board. He cuddled into my side and we watched the movie.

Gabe's POV

Zac and I were on his bed, he was on top of me, and we were kissing. He had his shirt off and I had my thumbs in the rim of his pants. I was just about to undo his pants when his door swung open and his dad stood there, his arms crossed. Zac jumped and looked at the door, then made a huge sigh noise and fell onto the bed beside me. "What did I say about doing that in my house?"

"Dad! I thought you were gone!" Zac said, groaning.

"Your mother had to go to the bathroom. I thought I told you guys not to make out in my house. And I'm guessing if I didn't come when I did you guys would have been doing lots more," he said.

"Fine," I said, standing up and pulling Zac up with me, "I'll take him to my house.

"Wai-" his dad started.

"Nope, you just said not to do it in your house, and we won't be in your house. So you can't stop us," I said, grabbing my keys. "Keep your shirt off babe, you look great."

"Don't you da-" his dad tried to say.

"No dad, all you said was that we can't do it here. So we aren't. Goodbye, have a nice and safe night with mom," Zac said. I pulled him past his dad and down the stairs, out the door and into my car. Once we got to my house we went straight to my room and started making out again. I grabbed his pants and undid them, letting them drop to the ground, leaving him in his baby blue underwear. 

"Damn baby, your body is hot," I said, smirking. He just rolled his eyes and pushed me onto the bed, sitting on my lap and kissing me again. 

James' POV

I was sitting on the sofa watching some show that Jacob's dad turned on when my phone went off. I looked at it and it was this boy I met on this website, I don't really remember what it's called. I opened the text and it said, come outside please. Ok, I know what you're thinking, why would he tell me to come outside? Why would he know where I lived? Well, we have been talking a lot and he has been over before. I got up and went outside, just see see his smiling face looking up at me. "Hi!"

"Hi," I said, smiling. 

"So I've been thinking," he started.

"About?" I asked, looking at him.

"Well, us," he said, looking down.

"What do you mean us?" I asked, putting an eye brow up.

"Well, for a while now... I've kinda... well," he said.

"Come on Jason, just tell me," I said, looking at him. He shook his head, "why n-" That's all I got out before his lips were pressed up against mine. For a second I didn't know what do, but then I started to kiss back. I put my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. The door opened and someone cleared their throat  I pulled away and looked up at Jacob and Ethan, standing there smiling. "Guys! Um, hi."

Jacob chuckled, "hi."

"What... what are you doing out here?" I asked.

"Well, we were up in our room, and I wanted to open the window, and then I saw you two," Ethan said, smirking. 

"Stop smiling!" I yelled.

Jason cleared his throat, "well, I'm gonna go home..." He said, starting to back away.

"Alright, well text me," I said, smiling. He nodded and turned around, walking down the street. I turned to face Jacob and Ethan and rolled my eyes, walking inside. 

Frontwards (Sequel to Backwards Lovers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt