Chapter Fourteen

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Zac's POV

Kierra and I are texting, I'm on Ethan's phone. She wants me to help her work on getting Ethan back together but I'm not sure if that's a good idea right now. Ethan is still broken, and I'm guessing Jacob is too. She keeps telling me that we HAVE to get them back together, and I agree, 100%, it's just... it's to soon. Yeah it's been like... three weeks now? I'm not sure. But still. Like I said before, Ethan is still broken. 

Yeah I would love to see them both happy again, but I just don't think it's a good time yet. 

From Kierra:

We really really really need to get them back together. I don't know how Ethan's doing but Sarah said that Jacob is broken, we need to fix this.

To Kierra:

Kierra, that's why I think we should wait. They are both still broken. If we try to get them back togther now and it doesn't happen it will be worse. 

From Kierra:

But what if they do get back together? They will go back to being happy.

To Kierra:

I still think we should wait.

From Kierra:

Of course you do. You and Gabe don't know how to make them happy. 

To Kierra: 

Uh, yes we do.

From Kierra:

Oh, that's right. Maybe I was just imagining the fact that it was your boyfriend that started this whole thing. 

To Kierra: 

Seriously? You're not helping at all. 

From Kierra: 

It's true. If it wasn't for your stupid alcoholic boyfriend we wouldn't be in this mess.

To Kierra:

First of all, he's not an alcoholic. Secondly, I'm done. Bye.

I turned Ethan's phone off and put it in my pocket. Who does she think she is? Yes I know Gabe had a part in this but he's not all to blame. No one is fully to blame. Everyone had a part in it. Everyone. Jacob, Ethan, Gabe, and even me. 

"Hey Zac?" Ethan said. I looked over at him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"My doctor wanted me to go to his office at 4," he said, pointing to the clock. It said 3:45. 

"Oh shit," I said. "Wait... How did you know?" I looked at him.

"I dunno," he said. 

"Ethan..." I said. 

"When you went to the bathroom you left my phone and he called."

"Oh, well at least you only used it to talk to him it's good. I'll call Gabe and have him take you," I said, getting my phone out. 

"No, I think I can drive," he said.

"Whose car?" I asked. He didn't have a car. 

"Your moms, I don't think she'll mind."

"Ok but your leg is broken..." I said, looking at it. 

"It's my left leg."

"Still... I don't like the idea of you driving," I said, texting Gabe and asking if he could come over.

"I want to, and I'm going to," he said, pulling himself up on his crutches. 

"Fine... But please be careful..." I said, "and let me help you into the car."

Gabe's POV

I stopped at the stop sign, about to turn onto Zac's street when I see Zac and Ethan outside, Ethan getting into Zac's mom's car. I quickly pulled into the drive way next to them and got out, "hey!" I said, they both stopped and looked at me, "what are you doing?" I asked Ethan.

"Going to the doctors, please don't try to talk me out of it," Ethan said, getting in the car and closing the door, putting his crotches on the floor of the passenger seat and he pulled out, leaving. 

I looked at Zac, "you let him drive?" I asked.

"I couldn't stop him. He wanted to. And he has to be at the doctors at four," he said, "why don't you come in," he said. I nodded, closing my door, and locking my car. We walked up to his bedroom and when I closed the door he jumped on me, putting his legs around me. I quickly caught his butt, not wanting him to fall. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. 

I walked to the bed and placed him down, laying on top of him, "I love you," I said. 

"I love you too," he said, smiling and kissing me again. Someone knocked on the door, but didn't wait for someone to open it.

"Hey buddy, your mom was wondering- WOW WOW WOW! NO! GET OFF!" His dad said, walking to me and pulling me off, "not in my house!" 

"Dad!! We were just kissing," Zac said, wiping his mouth.

"Yeah, just kissing. It will go from just kissing to dry humping to getting naked to having sex," he said.

"Daaaaad!" Zac said, rolling his head back.

"Don't 'daaaaaad' me, Zachary. I'm not going to have my son being fucked in my house," he said. I chuckled a little. Little does he know... "What are you laughing at?" His dad asked, looking at me. I shook my head. "That's what I thought." 

"Dad can you please leave?" Zac asked. 

"I will. After I ask you what I came in for. Your mother was wondering what time would Ethan be back with her car?" He asked, not looking at me.

"I don't know, now can you leave?" Zac said, looking at the door.

"Fine, but no kissing," his dad said, leaving. 

I closed the door behind him and locking it, then turned around to face Zac and smiled. He got up and walked to me, grabbing the bottom of my shirt and pulling it off. I smirked as I took his shirt off, then he went for my pants, at the same time pulling me closer to the bed. My pants dropped to my ankles, my boxers still on. He looked up at me as he grabbed the top of my boxers and kissed me when he pulled them down. Next I went for his pants and his pants fell to the ground, but he wasn't wearing underwear. I smirked. "No underwear?"

"Nope," he said, smiling as he stepped out of his pants and pulled me on top of him, making my feet come out of my pants. "I didn't feel like putting them on."

I smirked again, "good, easier for me," I said, kissing him. 

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