Chapter Six

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Jacob's POV

Zac opened Gabe's car door and moved forward the seat so I could get in. Gabe owned a 2005 silver Chevy cavalier LS, it was a sports car so it only had two doors. When I was making my way into the back seat Zac slapped my ass, "hey!" I said, but laughed. I sat down and moved the seat back for Zac. For a sports car, it had a lot of room in the back. Gabe started the car, which roared a live, scaring the shit out of me. Gabe looked at me in the mirror and chuckled, putting his seat belt on and putting the car into reverse and backing up, and then pulling out of the parking lot, grabbing Zac's hand as he drove down the busy main street, and from what I could tell, he was speeding. "Um, Gabe, it's 45..." I said, looking at him nervously.

"Oh shit," he said, slowing down a bit, "sorry," he said, I nodded and looked out of the window. "We're actually going to go to the McDonald's in the next town over, I can't stand the owner of the one in town."

"Why?" I asked.

"He flirts with me, like come on, you're like... 80 years old," he said.

"Babe, he's 43," Zac said, looking at him.

"Still, that's like 80 years old in gay years. Ugh, no," Gabe said. I just chuckled. First we stopped at Starbucks and ordered our coffees, I ordered what I usually order, a low-fat iced coffee with extra cream, Gabe chuckled when I said extra cream, and Zac elbowed him in the side and order his and Gabe's. We went back to the car and I had to have Zac hold mine while I got in, which was really hard because I hate people touching my Starbucks. We got on the intersection and the speed limit went up to 70, which Gabe went 80. "I stay with the traffic," he says when he sees my face. I guess that's a good idea, but I still can't help thinking we'll get into a car crash. We pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and got out, a group of old men looking our way and smirking. Ew. "Great," Gabe mumbled, taking Zac's hand and walking in. We ordered and took a sitting at one of the tables, we all ordered the same thing, a salad. 

I find it a bit funny that I order a salad at McDonald's, but I do and it drives Miranda, one of my friends, nuts. She says, "You don't order a salad at McDonald's, it's just something you don't do. McDonald's is junk food, no buddy got time for that heathy shit." I just love her. I look over at the old men that was looking at us before and they seemed to be talking about us, I could over here them saying "twinks" and "young lads." Why is it that old guys are like attracted to twinks? Like, it's like they are moths and we are the flame. Well this flame is about to burn up some moths up in here. I stood up.

"Jacob, what are you doing?" Gabe said. I just walked to them.

"Listen here, old farts, there is no way in hell you are going to get with us so stop it. You are like a billion. You're a dinosaur, so why don't you just T Rex your way over to the old folks home because you're not going to get any of this because I hate to break it to you but we all are taking, so stop it and let us eat," I said, walking away and sitting down in front of a shock-faced Gabe and Zac. "Did you hear that?" I asked. They nodded. "Well, they were annoying me. 

We ate in silence until someone walked in and Zac choked on his salad, my back was to the door so I had to turn around to see what he was choking over and I saw him. He looked like a life guard, partly because he was wearing the uniform. He had brown hair with blonde highlights that came down to his eyes but curved to the left. His arms were huge, and you could see his abs through his skin tight white tang top, which what I can tell was a... 8 pack. Gabe looked at him and shrugged, Zac and I looking at him like he was crazy.

"Not my type, this little twink right here is my type," he said, elbowing Zac in the arm, who bursted into giggles. They were adorable together. I can't wait till I can go on a date with Ethan again... Hell I can't wait till we can get him out of the hospital so we can... you know. I slapped myself, I really have to stop being a horny bottom. Hey, what can I say, I miss my sexy top. 


Hey guys, I know this is a bit short, I think its like 200 words shorter, but its all I could get. Hope you like it! vote!

Frontwards (Sequel to Backwards Lovers)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang