Chapter Five

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Hey guys, sorry about the long wait, if it was a long wait... I don't know. But I'm going through something and lets just say I'm heartbroken. I hope you like this... I just kind of put stuff together, I don't know if it's good or not, so sorry if it is.


Gabe's POV

I feel terrible what I did to Ethan, I should have listened to Zac and not drank. It's to late to change anything now... I'll just have to deal with the consequences. It's been a couple hours since Ethan went into surgery, Jacob fell asleep again. James and his Mom went home to take showers, Jacob didn't want to leave the hospital, which I understand, I wouldn't either. I looked over at his sleeping body, he looked so perfect, peaceful, that will all change when he finds out what I did... I just hope he doesn't blame Ethan for any of it, it was all my fault. Zac is in the bathroom so I was left alone with Jacob. He started smiling in his sleep, which made me smile. I heard the toilet flash and then the sink run. I'm just glad that it doesn't seem to hurt Zac to much... it doesn't seem like it.

Zac's POV

Tears were running down my face so much I was scared that I would end up flooding the bathroom. I didn't really have anytime to react to what happen because of the car crash, but now that I know Ethan is going to be ok... It's all coming to me. I told him not to drink... I told him not to. But he did anyway. I mean, I know that his parents are alcoholics and potheads, I guess I would rather have him drinking than doing pot... well I would rather him doing neither. I looked at myself in the mirror, my face was red, but my nose seemed to be a darker red. I hated crying, but I do it every night... I guess that's what happens when you get told to kill yourself every single day of your life. I can't even go onto Twitter and Facebook anymore, because I always see hate. People don't like the idea that I'm comfortable being myself... But I made myself a promise that I will keep till the last breathe of air left my lungs. I promised myself that I will stay strong for Gabe. Gabe has been depressed before... and I'm not even sure if he's out of it. It was bad... In middle school he would text me saying his goodbyes, telling me he's going to take the whole bottle of his pills, or hang himself with his belt... I got him help and it hasn't been that bad but it's still bad. That's why he's a dick sometimes, because of the pain. I grabbed some toilet paper and rubbed my eyes, trying to make it look like I wasn't crying. I had to stay strong for him.

Gabe's POV

As soon as Zac walked out, I knew something was wrong. His face had a hint of red. "What's wrong babe?" I asked, watching him come over to me and sitting on my lap, our stomachs touching.

"Nothing, why?" he said, smiling.

"Oh, never mind then, you look like you were crying," I said, putting my arms around him.

He shook his head and kissed me. Yep, he was crying. He kisses differently when he's been crying. But I let it go and kissed back. "Guess what," he said in between kisses.

"Mhmm?" I mumbled, smiling at him.

"Our four year anniversary is coming up next week," he said, grinning.

"Oh that's right, I totally forget. What date is that again?" I asked, not able to keep a straight face when he reacted. "I'm joking, babe. I know when it is."

"That was mean!" He said, hitting my chest but started up in a storm of giggles, he was so adorable. I can't believe I've been dating this perfect little twink for almost four years. Jacob groaned and we looked over at him, his face looked like he was scared or in pain. I quickly started looking around him for anything that would give him pain, nothing. He groaned again and started breathing heavy. Zac got off me and walked over to him, "Jacob? Jake wake up." He said, but Jacob wasn't waking. Jacob groaned again, this time louder. I started getting scared, what was going on? "Jacob, cupcake wake up," Zac said. He sounds so adorable when he uses pet names... not now Gabe. This time Jacob screamed, and I mean screamed. It was so loud and high pitch my vision went blurry and I started seeing little black dots. A nurse ran in and looked at us three.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, and Jacob screamed again. She went to him and grabbed his shoulder, shaking it a bit, "sweetie, you need to wake up," she said softly. Jacob went still, his breathing went back down to normal and his eyes parted open.

He looked at the nurse, then at Zac, "why is everyone crowding me?" He asked.

"You were screaming in your sleep, is everything alright?" The nurse asked, sitting next to him. Wow, there was a lot of room on the one chair. Jacob nodded.

"Just a nightmare, I guess," he said, looking at me. I smiled a bit and he looked back at the nurse, "I'm fine, thank you."

"Alright, just thought I should come in and check, never can be to careful," she said, standing up, nodded to me and walking out.

"What was that about?" I said, standing up and walking to him.

"Nothing, just a bad dream," he said, looking up at me.

"Jacob, what was the bad dream about," I asked again, this time worded it differently to be more clear.

"Not-" Jacob started but Zac stopped him.

"Just tell us, you don't want Gabe's sassy side to come out do you?" He said, smirking at me. I chuckled at Jacob's face.

"Fine, I dreamt that they did something wrong in the surgery and Ethan didn't make it alright..." He said, looking down.

"That it?" I ask, not believing that's all of it but he nodded so I just let it go. "Ethan is supposed to be out of surgery in a couple hours, if I remember correctly. Let's go out for lunch," I said, looking at Zac who nodded in agreement but Jacob shook his head. "I'll get you Starbucks," I said.

"Ok!" Jacob said, grinning, standing up, and putting his shoes on. I just chuckled and grabbed my jacket and Zac's hand and we left.

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