Chapter Twenty

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Hey guys! So I've decided that I am going to do a few more chapter in the book, so in stead of ending it on this chapter because that's what I did for Backwards Lovers, I'm going to have a few more chapters for this. I don't know if it is going to be one, two, or three more but there's going to be more! Alright! Well see ya!


Ethan's POV

"Come on baby, it's the last day of summer, why can't we have a day of just sex?" Jacob whined. He's been asking this since we woke up.

"I already told you. You, me, Gabe, and Zac are all going to the amusement park and having a day of fun," I said, looking at him in middle of packing some suntan lotion.

He came up close to me and put his arms around my neck, "but a day of sex would be fun."

"And also burn," I said, pecking his lips.

"Nu uh," he said, shaking his head at me and giving me the puppy eyes.

"First of all, a day of sex would really burn, maybe not to you because you can have something up there all day, but for me? It would burn. Second of all, we already planned this. It's been planned for about a month now. And lastly, stop it with that adorable look, it's making me want to eat you up like a cookie," I said, kissing him again. He just sighed, pecked my lips again and laid down onto the bed. "You know... It would really be great if you helped."

"Nah, I'm good," he said, getting onto my phone and by the looks of it he was taking pictures of himself.

I just chuckled, "of course not."

"Do you think I should bring my Beyoncé CD or do you think Zac would have it already?" He asked, looking at me, "and dat ass tho..."

"Uh, I dunno, why don't you call and asked?" I said, standing back up from bending down to get something out of the bottom drawer.

He sighed, "fine, if I have to." He dialed a number, on my phone, why couldn't he use his phone? He put it on speaker,"hey Gabe, do you know if Zac has Beyoncé CDs?"

He chuckled, "are you kidding me? That's all he listens to in my car. Yes he has Beyoncé CDs."

"Tell me about it," I said, chuckling as Jacob gave me the shocked look.

"Alright thanks! See ya!" Jacob said, hanging up and starting to text.

"Who you texting?" I asked, finishing up.

"Zac," he said.

"Oh and why couldn't you just call Zac and ask in stead of Gabe?" I asked, sitting on the bed. He moved so I couldn't see the phone.

"Dunno, just did I guess," he said smiling.

"Well alright. Are you sure you don't wanna take a shower? Gabe is gonna be here in about an hour," I said.

"Yeah! Let's go!" He said, jumping up, grabbing my arm, and pulling me out into the hallway where we almost ran into James.

"Wow, sorry," Jacob said, chuckling, "MOM! WE'RE USING YOUR SHOWER! I LIKE YOUR SHAMPOO BETTER!"

"ALRIGHT!" His mom yelled up from downstairs.

"Oh? Taking a shower together?" James said, smirking.

"Oh shut it," Jacob said, pulling me into his moms room, going into the bathroom, and as soon as he closed the door behind us he got undressed and hopped into the shower. And I really mean hopped, like I'm glad no one used this shower before us because if so he would have slipped and that wouldn't be good. "Why are you still standing over there with your clothes on? Baby strip down for me come on and take 'em off!"

I chuckled, "alright... He listen to too much of Rihanna... Actually you listen to too much of everything."

"Oh shut up and get in here!" He said, turning the water on and letting it full over him. I got undressed and stepped in, hugging him from behind while the water fell onto both of our naked bodies. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said, kissing his neck, putting my head on his shoulder and we just stood there, silent, for a bit.

"I wanna be with you forever..." He said, "I know we're only 17 but still... I want to have you to hold me whenever I'm down for as long as I live..."

I smiled and sighed happily, "I want that too."

"Promise?" He asked.

"Hmm?" I asked, confused a bit. He turned around and looked at me.

"Promise that we will be together forever? And never let anything bring us apart?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

I looked back into those beautiful blue eyes that turned different shades of blue from time to time. This time they were a greyish blue color, making his eyes look like diamonds. I nodded, "I promise. I promise to always be there for you, and I promise to give you everything that your heart desires. I promise-"

"AWWW!" Someone said from outside the bathroom door.

"JAMES?!" Jacob said.

"Uh... No... Um... Room service!" James said in a girly voice.

"James. We know it's you," I said.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who this James kid is, but I was called for a... Uh... clogged toilet. But it seems like I have the wrong bathroom... In the wrong bedroom... In the wrong horse... So... Uh... Toodaloo!" He said, still in the old lady voice.

I just chuckled, "wow... He's..."

"A character," Jacob chuckled, kissing me.

"He's somethin' alright," I said, kissing back.

Gabe's POV

"Babe..." I hear, I just roll over and fall back asleep. "Babe wake up," I hear again. Who the fuck is waking me up?!

I rolled over and faced Zac, oh yeah... "Good morning."

"Yeah... Good morning. We're supposed to be at Jacob's in a half of hour and you're still naked," he said, blushing.

"Oh yeah... Why am I naked again?" I asked. "And why do I have this huge headache?! OH MY GOD!" I said, grabbing my head.

"Uh, which question do you want me to answer first? Because you asked two before I could answer one..." He said.

"Why am I- never mind, I probably know the answer to that. And why do I- Wait, never mind, know the answer to that too. Last night was fun," I said, smiling.

"Yeah... Fun," Zac said.

"What's the matter babe? Didn't you have fun?" I asked, grabbing a pair of sun glasses off the bedside table and putting them on so I could look at him without squinting.

"Yeah, the sex part was. But the part where you got drunk... Not so much," he said, looking down.

"Oh god... What did I do?"

"Nothing, you did nothing. Just flirted with me a LOT," he said, blushing. "Telling me that you like everything about me especially my ass. Asked me if I was a bomb fire because "baby you're hot and I want s'more."

"Oh... Then what's wrong?" I asked, confused on why he looked sad.

"Because... I don't really like you being drunk. I mean... I guess it was fine because you stayed in my house and no one was home but me... but still."

"Oh... Baby, I'm sorry," I said, sitting up and placing a kiss on his forehead, "I love you."

"Love you too," he said.

"Well... I don't know 'bout you... But I think I need a nice cold bath before I have to drive," I said, getting up and starting to open his bedroom door when he stopped me.

"Uh, babe," he said, I turned around, "my parents are home and if they saw you walking out of my room naked..."

"Oh yeah... That wouldn't really be good would it?" I asked, walking to his dresser and slipping on a pair of his sweats and walking to the bathroom.

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